July 05, 2008


People should ask themselves that more often....why?

Why do I behave that way?

Why do I believe that?

Why don't I believe that?

Why am I who I am?

We are greatly a product of our environment. We behave and believe much the same as the people around us. You have to examine yourself and others...ask WHY?

Someone once told me a story that is a great example. She said a friend was baking a ham for the holidays. As she sat and watched, the friend sliced off both ends of the ham. She asked her friend why she did that. The friend replied, "Because that is how my Mom always did it." So she called her Mom and inquired. Her Mom replied, "That is the way your Grandma always did it." So they called Grandma. Grandma replied, "I always cut the ends off the ham because I didn't own a pan big enough to put it in."

Too many of us go through life doing as those before us without ever inquiring as to why it's done this way. It's ok to keep believing, or not. It's ok to keep being who you are, if you are happy. It's ok to cut the ends off the ham. But ever now and then stop...and ask, why?

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