July 15, 2008

Being different

Ever notice how often people claim they are "different"? I notice this statement of individuality frequently. Each individual thinking they are different from the other...what? Ever wonder how they got different, or what makes them different? After all it seems our society is set up to make us all carbon copies. Schools, political parties, even religion teaches like mindedness. Isn't one of the things we seek out in other individuals is that they think like we do?

The fashion industry spends fortunes to assure that we all look alike. Styles change and we're supposed to keep up. There isn't much choice. If you want to buy anything, your choices are limited by what some person has deemed fashionable at this particular moment.

If you want to be different you have to reach out there, outside of societal norms. You have to THINK different to be different, eventually this will effect the way you look so you'll look different. Then guess what will happen when you finally reach differentness? You'll be criticized!

Don't believe me...

Dress unusual. I mean really unusual. Remember the last time you were at the mall and saw the really strange kid in the really bizarre clothes? Remember the feeling of superiority? Did his/her differentness make you uncomfortable?

Tell people you're atheist. For a country built on the idea of religious freedom...this isn't an acceptable option. You aren't allowed to not believe in God like everybody else. It makes you too different.

Speak radical ideas. Remember freedom of speech? It used to be a right in this country. Not any more, now everyone is "politically correct"...so much for being different. Yes, like everybody else I like to think I'm different. Just a little odd. A touch left of normal. Maybe the only difference in me is the realization that I'm really not.

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