July 31, 2008

Playing hero

Yesterday afternoon I rescued four people from an elevator.

I'm sure they would have gotten out without me…eventually. But they were damned happy to see me.

The elevator door was opening about a foot then closing. I reached in and hit the safety mechanism to see if the door would retract from my hand. It didn't. The second time I pressed my hand against the door and was able to hold it and push it further open. This is when I discovered the elevator car was still moving. It would rise up about a foot above the floor then drop back down about two feet. So I'm holding the door open with one hand and pulling people out with the other. This all took a matter of seconds, I'm sure. I knew three of the people in the elevator, they were pretty shook up. I've been stuck in the elevators at work a few times, but nothing like this.

+1 to the bizarre list.

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