July 12, 2008

Human hackles or goosebumps?

That's when the hair on the neck stands up. Dogs usually do it for the same reason humans do. Never really thought about it before but it is an odd phenomenon. Anyways...today we were discussing those things in life that caused human hackles, goosebumps (we won't get into geese) and cold chills. People tend to be fascinated and/or dubious when I talk about the house I grew up in. It wasn't anything special...built in the mid to late 60's in Valley Station. As far as we know not on any type of burial ground nor had anything violent occurred there. People ask. The thing about it, no one that ever entered that house would deny that it was haunted. From one particularly cold bedroom to whispers and footsteps in the hall. There was frequently the feeling of being watched. Mom blamed Dad for messing the bed up in the guest room...until it continued even when Dad was in the hospital. Most of it was benign. I only remember a few times that I felt frightened by it. Not the case with our neighbor who refused to enter the house after dark when we weren't home. We also had a poodle that would suddenly come running down the hall trembling all over.

I have never felt any type of presence in the house I live in now. But my sons SWEAR that a black cat lived here when we moved in. They were 6 and 9 when we bought this house. They both still tell me, 15 years later, that the cat would go from one of their closets to the other's during the night...funny thing, I always kept their doors closed at night.

A friend at work told me today about her brother's watch. It had been given to him as a present, shortly later, it disappeared. They searched and searched and couldn't find it. Then one day, about three years later, his Mom found it in between the couch cushions...even though she was of the habit of vacuuming the couch on a regular basis. But the real kicker...it was a new couch!

I find stuff like that much more interesting than the light orbs I hear people talk about...I prefer a ghost with a bit of friskiness.

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