July 24, 2008


Once upon a time when you entered an eating establishment they inquired about your seating preference. Then a law was passed...and you no longer had options. I want options damn it!!! Most restaurants were built to cater to options, so why can't we have them? If I can't select between smoking and non-smoking, how about family and non-family.

I would like to enjoy my meal without the screeching, whining and crying of the adorable little bastards. This particularly annoys me at 9 PM when Momma's little pumpkin should be tucked into bed. Nooooo, I don't hate kids. I just don't want to spend time with most of them.

Especially if their parents lack the ability to control the little rug rats. I have had my conversations continually interrupted, I've been spilled on, I came very close one time to having two butter covered hands ran through my hair...and it wasn't a sexual escapade. And none were at Chuck E Cheese.

I raised my kids. They didn't run around in restaurants, they didn't stand in the seats, they didn't talk to people at neighboring tables. They knew how to behave. I also knew better than to take them to places that were not kid friendly. ALL kids have a limit on how long they can sit still. We spent a lot of years doing take out.Table in the kid free zone please.

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