July 13, 2008

Need or want?

Have you ever thought about the words need and want?

We often seem to use them interchangeably. But I don't think we should...we should reconsider the priorities.

I need a job because I need to eat and because I need money in order to enjoy things like going to the movies, or out to dinner. I don't need to do those things, I want to.

I think I'd rather be wanted than needed. My kids needed me when they were young. Now they spend time with me because they want to. My friends spend time with me because they want to, there isn't anything they need that I can give them. They only want my time.

I don't need other people. I am pretty independent. I can support myself financially and emotionally. I want to spend time with people that make me smile.

Life would not be very good if all we lived for was what we needed, if it was all we could obtain. Wanting things keeps us living. Desire for something more, something better, is a very strong motivator.

Unfortunately, some people lose themselves in the chase. They forget what it was all about in the beginning. They lose sight of the things that were important to them.

What's my point? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

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