July 05, 2008

This would be a test of the no response emergency system

I am not sure why anybody would want to hear my thoughts. I can't imagine anything I'm willing to express in a public forum, that could be used against me for all eternity, would be all that captivating. However, I do know from past experience that sometimes expressing my thoughts helps clear the mind, taking out the trash as you will.


You have been warned that you may be bored to tears. Reading at work may not be advisable, as sleeping is generally discouraged.

Anything you say, can, and will be used against you.

No place, anywhere, did it say that I had to make sense.

I am not always grammatically correct, nor do I care...maybe that one should have been first.

You are allowed to disagree with my opinions. I am allowed not to care.

Welcome to my world...

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