July 13, 2008


I'm going to rant, because I can and because the world is full of assholes, jerks and dicks. If you are offended by language, this may be your signal to exit stage left...but then who knows.

In general, I hate people. Most are not worth the time or effort to get to know them. I ran into a few prime examples of these living, breathing sacks of shit today. And they did so much for my mood.

Sack o'shit number one: Entirely too bright and early this morning I greet someone with "Good morning." I get a sneer in return. I really do hope their day was going bad...and got worse. How hard is it to be civil?

I encountered a sack o'shit on my way home this afternoon. I'm in the fast lane, going as fast as the traffic will allow. I notice a red rice burner taking a run for my rear end. He slides over into the slow lane. I wonder where he's going...there is a dump truck in that lane, which is why everyone is in the fast lane. He runs up on the dump truck, then over into the merge lane from an on ramp and passes the truck on the right. He apparently didn't clear the truck by much, as the dump truck slammed on his brakes. I thought his day was fixing to get really bad, but alas it wasn't meant to be. It's times like that when I really, really wish I could reach my hand through the moon roof and put a little blue light out and go after his ass. Just to see the look on his face when I wrote him up for as many traffic violations as I could come up with.

As I continue home imagining how many traffic violations I could come up with...while respecting all traffic laws myself and paying absolute attention to the road ::cough::...I come to a stop as a sack o'shit pedestrian crosses the road in front of me. Lucky for him I was paying attention. This is a young man, crossing the street at the speed of a piss ant, wait that's too fast...what's really slow? OH yeah, turtles are slow...he was crossing the street at the speed of a turtle on downers with a tranquilizer chaser. As I turn behind him he slowly turns his head to look at me...because he had no clue I was there. He had just moseyed across my path without looking. The biggest annoyance was it appeared that he was moving so slowly because he had to hold his pants up. If you have to physically hold your pants up...THEY'RE TOO DAMN BIG!!! Or maybe the fist in the front wasn't for the pants, maybe he had a handful of johnson. You don't have to keep hold of it, it won't go anywhere. Maybe if you bought pants that fit you wouldn't keep losing it. I'm just trying to alleviate your fears...but then I'm probably using too big of words for you, aren't I?

The last sack o'shit...probably in the mirror.

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