May 22, 2010

A Mom's advice to her son on raising baby. Step one.

My promise is to not interfere unless it's life threatening. I did the best I knew how. I didn't always get it right. It's your turn now and you will too. But I have 26 years of experience that I didn't have back then. So maybe I'll have words of wisdom for you to lean against when it's 3 AM and you've been walking, bouncing and examining a screaming baby for the last two hours, and maybe not.

Relax. Take a deep breath.

Babies do not come with instructions. Yes, you can buy books. I even recommend it. But what may apply to 99 out of 100 babies, may not apply to yours. Your baby is 1 in several million. He hasn't read the books and doesn't know the rules they think he's suppose to play by. Rules, and advice, that change over time and even conflict from book to book. Listen to your instincts. Then direct questions to parents you trust. Maybe even your own, you obviously survived to adulthood. Listen to their advice...then pick and chose what seems right to you. Listen to your pediatrician. You picked one you trusted. Will you always get it right? Ha

It may even feel that your baby is trying to frustrate you at every turn. He really isn't. That is sleep deprivation and fear. In the beginning, a baby's needs are comfortable; not wet, not dirty, not hungry, not in pain, not tired. Sounds simple. But it isn't, because you won't always be able to figure out what's wrong. And baby can't tell you, not in words...but he is trying to tell you. And will keep trying to tell you, screaming and crying, until you get it right.

Relax. Take a deep breath...and maybe a couple of Tylenol.

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