May 13, 2010

Mexico Day 5

This morning, I finally convinced myself that I was bored and wanted to do something. Last year I had an agenda. There were things to do, places to go, adventures to be had. I doubt much has changed in 14 months, so I really don't have any need to explore. So, what to do? We headed down 5th Avenue after breakfast...made to order omelets and fresh fruit. The best fresh fruit. There are just some things that should be enjoyed while here. Destination...Cozumel. Why? Because it's there. The $48 ferry fee derailed me. Why pay $48 to cross to Cozumel for nothing but walking around? I can do plenty of that here. I've heard most things are more expensive in Cozumel because of the tour ships. So I decided to stay on this side of Mar Caribe.

We eventually found ourselves whiling away the afternoon in a poolside cabana sampling drinks brought cheerfully by a fantastic server/bartender. Lunch was of a liquid variety. After enough frosty drinks you are not hungry. I hate to think of the calories I've consumed in fruit juice.

I'm recognized by the staff. I think the tattoos make me easy to spot. They remember me.

Back to the room at 4PM and it hasn't been made up for the day. We've not had near the service we did last year from housekeeping. Only one towel animal so far. We had a menagerie last year.

I made my spa appointment for tomorrow...sugar and salt exfoliation. My semi-pinkness gives me pause. But I'm going for it.

We walked out on the beach, collecting some shells, sightseeing and stubbing my toes. Damn rocks on the beach south of the pier.

Our driver had explained that sand had been pumped from the ocean to add 50 meters to the beach. They were sandbagging this area last year. That rock, the one that removed skin from my toe, likely was a piece of old coral reef, or so appeared after I quit cussing and looked at it. I brought home a pocketful of shells and I wonder how long they had been at the bottom of the sea. We walked along an area where the sand was piled in a two foot drift above the tide line. The edges of shells peeking out from the layers of the sand...I felt like an archeologist.

Housekeeping finally showed up...when the door was locked. She jiggled the door until the lock released. Steve quickly pulled the blanket over our heads which directly led to my case of giggles. Which I'm guessing is what caused her to hesitate then back out the door. Have you heard me giggle?

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