May 15, 2010

Mexico Day 7

Sad to think about packing and flight schedules. Tomorrow will be a long, not fun, day. It takes a week to get used to being here. My minuscule Spanish comes more easily. I'm starting to roll my R's. I need longer to get past the sunburn. I wonder how long I could stay before getting bored to death...I'd like to try and find out.

We walked 5th Avenue this morning for some last minute shopping. It is really hot. I can't imagine being here in July or August. Come into the lobby, grab a drink. I'd love to go jump in the pool but I am just short of crispy and my sunscreen just doesn't seem up to the task. It's 86 degrees at 11:24 AM. The sky is blue, the sun unrelenting. By 1, I was taking my 2nd shower of the day.

The weather channel predicts rain the next 3 doesn't make me feel better.

Our bed was turned down before dinner. We still only have one animal...towels must be endangered. Steve and I will be arguing over the tip.

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