May 11, 2010

Mexico Day 3

I ordered a mojito at the pool today. I thought of Erin...I am not a mojito fan but she makes them good. Sweet and refreshing. It is amazing how often I am reminded of the people at home by different things.

We took off for 5th Avenue for the first time today. Its a block from the hotel. It's something like 16 blocks of shopping, hotels, restaurants and entertainment. It was a good day to go, not as hot, nice wind blowing.

It's not nearly as crowded as last March. Last year this street was packed with people. Today I notice buildings, the architecture, that was hidden before. There are some very interesting buildings. Talking to the shop keepers, they say tourism has been down. Worries about violence that hasn't been seen this far south and H1N1. There are hand sanitizing liquids everywhere. The hotel even offers a H1N1 flu guarantee if you get ill within 14 days.

We wandered off the beaten path to discover sidewalks here are a challenge in themselves...different levels, different materials. It appears each establishment makes their own. You really have to pay attention. You will often find people out scrubbing the sidewalks early in the morning.

I can't blame the sidewalks for the nasty spill I almost had down this flight of stairs. I can't even blame the shot that preceded it.

We had just left the new coffee house, where I had enjoyed a shot of espresso and a chocolate truffle...making me think of Laura. Steve saved me. That would have hurt. A lot.

We wandered down to the beach and sat on one of the cabanas and watched and listened to the waves crashing on the beach. The surf seems higher than last year. So nice.

When we get back to the room, I discover I have reason to be grateful for Ginny's aloe. How did I manage to sunburn my back and the front of my thighs? Oooo crispy.

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