May 02, 2012


I have had several topics floating about recently in need of closer examination, but hadn't put thought to blog (instead of pen to paper) yet. But a new one has reared it's head demanding my attention. This may not even be a new topic, but here it is again.

There is a lot of talk about diversity. It seems everyone pays it lip service as the right thing to do...the school system, the government, the job. But honestly, a good deal of people are only comfortable if people are different just like them.

I recently saw a poster that said something to the extent of, "People with tattoos don't care that you don't have one." Wow, did that hit home. I never criticize a person for not choosing ink. I can't say that people have always showed me the same courtesy. Not that anyone's opinion of my art concerns me, it's the point of it.

The same can be said for religion, the Atheist I have encountered don't care what you believe, they just want the right not to. In peace. They don't want it explained to them...over and over again what you think they don't understand.

Diversity needs to encompass everyone, not just race/ethnicity/culture...but choice. Choice is what makes us individuals. It's what makes us interesting.

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