May 05, 2012

Where is my GPS?

I had a plan with that last post, but I must have lost my map, because I never got there. This frequently happens. Usually because of the lapse of time between my mind turning over an idea and my ability to sit down and think it through and apply to megapixels.

As previously stated, I've had people on my mind, people long gone. This type of reminiscing happens to me ever so often. I am not seeping in regret...but, I think, more reminding myself of lessons learned. Reminding myself where I have been to appreciate where I am...and even a few happy memories.

Anyway, I digress. My goal, the thing that keeps knocking on my memory bank seeking attention...

There have been a few people I have known, that were/are, what most people call, two-faced. I'm not sure what triggered this particular line of thought. It has not been a recent experience. But usually, when something doesn't dissipate on it's own, it needs further exam. So here I am, again.

The behavior I speak of, is the person who will say I love you to your face, then talk bad about you the moment you are out of earshot. I do not understand this behavior. If you care for me, why talk bad about me? If you don't like me, why pretend? Okay, let me clear something up, behavior towards a person you don't care for, but maybe, for whatever reason, impossible to avoid...I do not believe that you need to be rude. It is usually unnecessary, and uncalled for, surely you were taught better. But you can be polite without being someone's best bud.

Where I tend to come into this, is the ear on the other side...though occasionally, I know I have been the subject. My mother was notorious for this type of behavior. I'm not talking about a bitch session. You can love someone without necessarily liking everything they do. Everyone, I guess, gripes about the people in their lives from time to time...very normal. The difference, is when someone will say something along the lines of they really don't like someone, but they will jump all over spending time with that person because there is some benefit. Two-faced. And every time I am the "ear" in this equation, I can't help but think that person is treating me the same way when I walk out of the room.

I'm not sure I am any closer to understanding why this has been at the forefront of my mind lately. Maybe I have heard some snarky comment recently and I still haven't resolved it. Hmmmm. I'm hungry...maybe I can't do self therapy on an empty stomach.

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