May 03, 2012

Long gone, never forgotten

It is amazing how much influence people can have on your life, even when they are no longer a part of it. From our earliest days we are influenced by the thoughts and behaviors of others. People come and go, some by their choice, some by your's...and others, by no one's choosing.

I think of people with random activities that remind me of something they used to do. I wonder about the well being of people I have lost touch with...even after years. People haunt my dreams.

Not every influence has been good, some have been invaluable, and's hard to know the difference. Sometimes it's only clear in the rear view mirror, sometimes not even then.

I won't regret. I kind of like who I am.

1 comment:

Moonlight spark said...

It's funny but that has been on my mind the last couple of days. People who were so important to my life that have chosen to move in a different direction, nothing I did but just how things shook out.