November 16, 2009

This just in...

the Senators and Congressmen from Kentucky have no balls. This condition is caused by the, not so rare, condition of re-election.

The state's budget, like most of it's citizens, is strapped. There is no savings account...we're broke. Broke budgets are fixed one of two ways, raise money...taxes, or cut Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pay higher taxes either. It isn't the action, so much as the motive that bothers me. They know if they piss off the constituency, bye-bye cushy high paying job. They are looking out for themselves, not the people of Kentucky. Our elected officials know people remember who voted to raise taxes and those voters carry a grudge. But when the neighbor gets burglarized because of early release programs, we just thank our lucky stars and buy a gun/dog/alarm. The same goes for when your SUV drops into a pothole the size of a Smart Car this winter. You won't be thinking about that election next year.

The politicians may not have balls...but apparently the condition doesn't effect their brains, ego, self-preservation or wallets....just ours.

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