November 18, 2009

It's been weird lately

I have just had a lot of weird stuff going on lately....I mean weird stuff, mostly in my head. Weird random thoughts...but not all of it.

First I'd like to point out that it is not I before E except after's a stupid mnemonic because it's wrong. But mnemonic is a pretty cool word. This comes to you after misspelling weird a number of times in that first sentence.

On to random thoughts...see previous blog entry for the kitten incident. No there was no incident, I promise. I would not dunk a kitten in water. I'm allergic and I'm sure it trying to climb up my arm would not end well. Damn, I'm itching just thinking about it. I had a few, let's say not so nice....won't be publicly exposed, thoughts recently. How can I say this without saying this? The voice in my head expressed my displeasure with a situation in terms of which I am not usually accustomed to...and I am accustomed to a lot. I just have to wonder where this language previously lived before surfacing in the forefront of my brain? It isn't really so much the language, as the phrases, the compilation of words into new and previously unexplored expressive terminology.

On to random incidents. I was driving down a subdivision street this morning on my way to work. It was still dark outside. There was a TARC bus stopped in the opposing lane, not an unusual occurrence. I guess they wait there if they are running ahead of schedule. As I was approaching the TARC bus, a school bus passed it in my lane. After the school bus passed, I started along side the TARC. There was another vehicle behind the TARC waiting for me to pass, and their lights were very bright. As I was passing, my brain warned me to look for the runner. I couldn't see anybody, but I slowed down and looked towards the shoulder of the road. My brain kept warning me, and as I passed the other vehicle and his lights were no longer glaring into my eyes I saw the runner...just to the right of me. If I had swung out to give the bus more clearance, I would have hit him before I saw him. I have no idea what I'd seen or perceived that set off the alarm, but I'm glad I listened. To add to the strangeness, I had posted that I was feeling lucky on my Facebook profile about 15 minutes earlier.

Another incident, but slightly more humorous...and, I promise, shorter. I was headed down a flight of stairs yesterday at work. There were two women just ahead of me, as they turned on the landing to head down the next flight one of them noticed me...for the first time. I apparently have an unusual ability to move very quietly. She screamed...ear piercing, high-pitched, only a girl could do scream, and in the enclosed stairwell it just echoed. Once she realized that I wasn't a serial killer stalking the hospital corridors, we all had a good laugh.

If she only knew. ::weg::

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