June 10, 2011

Saying good-bye

I walked away this afternoon from my place of employment after 14 years...and ah, one day. It was not easy, but I know it was the right thing to do, for me. I can only hope that it will still be the right thing 6...12...36 months down the road. I walked out with my head held high and only a few tears. I have had many a great compliment in the month since I announced my departure. It seems I am smart and efficient. I seem to be very entertaining and blessed with the ability to make people feel good about themselves. I was told repeatedly that I would be missed. I am no fool. I know in a few months time someone will have stepped into my place and there won't be much looking back. That is the way of such things. So, out with the old and in with the new. I start the new job on Monday...because I am not smart enough to have figured out that a long weekend (or more) might have been a good idea. But that's okay. I am excited to get started. I like starting new things. New people, new place, new focus. I hope the new stays awhile. I hope I am not mired down in the drudgery of same old, same old, too soon.

So raise a glass to me. Wish me best luck. I am off to prove old dogs can indeed learn new tricks...

and if that fails...I'll just change the rules.

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