June 11, 2011

The ad combo

If you spend anytime on the internet, you know there are ads everywhere. I tend to ignore them, as I dare say most people do. Or maybe I should say I thought I ignored them. But recently, I have experienced a few really badly placed ads in relation to the content of the page I am viewing...so I must be seeing the ads, right?

Today, I noticed the "word of the day" on my Google page was something I did not know and was bored enough to click to investigate further.


   \KURF\ , noun;

A cut or incision made by a saw or the like in a piece of wood.

In mining, a deep cut a few inches high, used to undermine a portion of a coal or mineral seam.

The act of cutting or carving.
To cut or carve.

The ad above it, for a children's charity, shows a baby with a cleft palate. Bad placement.

I also had a friend recently post a picture of her new figure as she is quite proud of the weight she
has lost. The photo shows her with her midriff bare. The ad below it was for gastric bypass surgery.
Bad placement.

I know the ads are random...but jeez.

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