June 16, 2011

The mish mash edition

This week has been so long. I do not like being in training. I prefer the feeling that I know what I am doing. They say I am doing fine. I don't feel fine. I feel disorganized and uncertain. They have not given me an expected length of training. I suspect it will be brief...perhaps less than 2 weeks. They are anxious to get me going. My application went to credentialing today. The quickest ever they said. If that passes, I am free to work on my own. I know there will be support, but taking this on solo is scary. So much responsibility...and yet, no stress. I have not come home one day this week wired. I have not even quipped about needing a drink. It feels wrong...I think I was way too used to that level of strain. I feel like I am forgetting something. I try to stress about it...it just doesn't happen. I am not surrounded by impending doom. I knew that my previous work environment was unhealthy for me, but I don't think I really knew the level. I am actually feeling better physically. I have not been woke once this week by the alarm clock. I am waking on my own. I have time to make breakfast. And I am still getting home about the same as before. Even the traffic, that I so dreaded,  has not been nearly as bad as I thought. I look forward to getting settled in, finding my stride...and my confidence. I made a good choice. The only nagging fear I have now, is that the job will evaporate from under me.

Welcome Summer. The official first day coming next week. It has felt like late Summer here for awhile with temps in the 90s. I hate hot weather. I hate cold weather. I live in the wrong city. But time to bring on the Summer activities, geek style.

This weekend, I present to you....Jell-O Wars IV. Just a friendly get together of geeks trying to plaster one another with Jell-O. It's sticky, squishy, delicishy fun.

Next weekend is Renn Faire. An opportunity, for us people that think dressing in costumes should be more frequent than Halloween, to pull out the boots, horns, tails, ears, swords...whatever makes us happy and spend a day with like minded people.

And of course, the following weekend will fall on the eve of July 4th...need I say more?

So the next thing I know, it will be mid-July. I will undoubtedly have the new job firmly in hand. I will still be complaining that it is too blasted hot, but, ahhhh, there will be tomatoes fresh from the vine.


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