July 29, 2011

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Or so it has been said. Words do carry a mighty power. And some words never die. I am being haunted by words that were said in anger by someone I will not name. They were sincerely meant at the time, I have no doubt. But it was a different time...a worse time.

That is one of the problems, once spoken...or worse, I think, written, words can never be retracted. Apologies can be made, but you can never erase those words. And when the words are hurtful, the pain lingers.

Words are often said in anger, hate...even fear. They may not be sincere, but emotionally driven. I've even had words said in jest, that nicked a particular sore spot. I do have a  few.

As for this particular pain, I will wait it out. We shall see what comes of it. A lot of water has passed under that particular bridge. A few band-aids slapped on and fences mended...I just wish I could forget those hateful words.

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