July 01, 2011

Hello shirtless guy

This morning, on my way to work, I was pleasantly surprised by a very attractive and shirtless man jogging along the side of the road. Did I mention attractive...and shirtless? Now mind you, there isn't much time to admire when you're driving 35 mph down a narrow road. Did I mention he was on the road? Running towards me. In my lane. I guess that is one reason I got such a good look...trying not to run him over. And there's the rub. While he was most definitely in shape, a fine, taut shape and from my brief, nearly head on, glimpse, attractive in that dark haired, sweaty from exertion, kind of way...he, sadly, must not be very smart. I draw this dismal conclusion from the fact that he was indeed playing in traffic, on a narrow road, when there was a perfectly good sidewalk. Ah well, it was a nice sight.

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