September 14, 2010

Some days just smack you in the face

I wrote the date this morning.


It immediately dawned on me...tomorrow will be the 4 year anniversary of my father's death. I went to the bathroom and gathered myself. Not only do I get the anniversary...I get the day before too.

I came home this afternoon and turned on the news. They were talking about the record breaking wind storm Louisville suffered two years ago. Jeez, thanks. That storm prevented us from celebrating my mother's last Christmas. Yes, in September. She knew she was never going to make it until December. She wanted one last Christmas. A tree was decorated, gifts were bought, a meal was planned. The storm tore through Louisville knocking down trees and was weeks before the debris was cleared. Mom never felt good enough to reschedule her Christmas. She died 3 weeks later.

Yep, today has sucked.

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