September 16, 2010


I have never had an issue with getting up in the morning. Now, don’t misunderstand, I grumble and complain. But when the alarm clock goes off, I’m up and running…well at least stumbling. I have never, ever, used a snooze button. The whole concept escapes me. I have heard people say they set their alarm clock earlier, so that they can hit snooze. The theory, it seems, is a much gentler transition from sleep. I hate, HATE, an alarm clock, so I don’t want to hear it more than once. And how much more sleep are you getting?

The reason for this observation, is something, a joke of sorts, I guess, that I read. It was a list of “fixes” to everyday problems. One of which was...

Place a mousetrap on top of your alarm clock, and you’ll never have to worry about falling back to sleep after hitting the snooze button.

I found that immensely amusing for some strange reason.

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