January 03, 2010

Lagging behind

I guess I should have posted my New Year wishes a few days ago but I have been happily busy. I am not a big believer that anything changes because we flip the page of a man made calendar....end of year or not. But if it makes you feel better to wish for bigger, better, brighter for the new year, I will play along and wish those things for you. I seldom hear anyone wish the old year would stay awhile longer. At most, someone may say, it was a very good year. I'm not sure 2009 was a very good year, but overall I can't complain so much. I did not lose anyone close to me...unlike the three previous years. I went to Mexico for the 1st time in 2009 and fell in love. I went snorkeling, something I had always wanted to do. It wasn't as easy as I had expected, but not all things are. I spent a lot of times with friends, maybe even made a few new ones. Discovered a few new places...and lost a favorite restaurant. Maybe started a few new traditions as well as continuing some. I had a wonderful holiday season with only a few bumps along the way. I am a lucky woman. So Happy New Year! Actually, Happy New Decade! I hope it brings you joyous feelings, happiness and love. May you be surrounded by people that accept you for who you are. May you find contentment...as I think that may be the best achievement in life.

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