January 22, 2010

Go practice someplace else

Why do they call it practicing medicine? Because it is not an exact science, despite what they might lead you to believe. My doctor's office called me yesterday to give me the results of all my tests. This is one of the things I really like about them. They even call with the normals. I had some lab work and a cat scan (CT) of my abdomen. The CT was kind of an accident..one that cost me $170. I had mentioned to my doctor that I was supposed to have a screening. I inadvertently said CT when I meant ultrasound. I realized this mistake when they brought me two large glass of "kool-aid" to drink. I didn't have to do this the last time. This is when I realized what had happened. Oh well, I'd already paid, the insurance had precerted, I was there and this test would show what I was needing to look at plus I figure might as well have a look around the insides. So yesterday, as I said, the doctor's office calls and reads off all my tests...I passed some, I failed some, but the CT was negative...that would be a positive. Today my doctor's office called me back to say I have a cyst on my ovary with some adhesions blah blah. This was not noted, I guess, in the original results because it was not what we were looking at. So now I get to go back for the ultrasound that I meant to schedule when I scheduled the CT. But I guess it was a good thing I accidentally got a CT. I sure hope they don't plain on doing anything about it. I'm in no mood for abdominal surgery. She said it was 3 mm or 3 cm...she wasn't very clear, or maybe that's when the blah blah part came in...and to be honest I don't know how big/small/significant that is. She assured me it was nothing to worry about..OK great, I wasn't worried until she assured me everything was OK. Says something about the personality, huh? So I get to go get jellied up and ultrasounded (yes, I know it's bad English...but it's my blog, so bite me). At least it is one of the lesser procedures on the scale of uncomfortable or embarrassing. Fun and joy. I wonder how much this one will cost me?

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