February 24, 2009

Research causes cancer in rats

I remember the first time I saw that...research causes cancer in rats. It rang very true to me, as it seems EVERYTHING causes cancer. And everything is researched, often with opposing results. The research study I heard about today was that wine, and possibly any alcohol, consumption increased the risk for a variety of different cancers. Wow...wasn't it not too long ago that researchers were saying that red wine was good for your heart? But apparently the cancer risks outweigh the heart benefits.

I get annoyed every time I hear the breaking news of the latest study. It either contradicts a previous study...or I think, duh, you spent how much to figure that out? Seems like common sense to me.

I know there is a lot of valuable research going on, and many people pin their hopes on a breakthrough. But it seems to me there is a lot of money going down the drain to prove what we already know or to "discover" absolutely useless information. Maybe the researchers have to report something, anything, to prove to the financial backers that they're not just sitting around in a lab playing cards.

Will telling me that wine will protect my heart, encourage me to drink red wine? No. Will telling me that alcohol may lead to cancer, prevent me from drinking? No. So what's the point? Couldn't that money have been better spent someplace else...like in cancer research? We know everything causes cancer, we've seen the research. Guess what? Humans can not live in protective bubbles, which undoubtedly would cause cancer. So take all the rats you've given cancer while getting them drunk and find a cure...or at the very least better treatment options. Because I didn't spend a dime in research and I can tell you, the options we have now suck!

When you release those research results, I'll stand and cheer.

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