February 27, 2009

Death...by choice

Death may be the greatest of all human blessings. ~Socrates

Let it never be said that I am unwilling or incapable of tackling the serious or controversial subjects. Many years ago I wrote an English paper in favor of assisted suicide. It earned me an A, as it was well written and thought out. It also earned me a public castigation by the teacher...this involved a good bit of yelling on her part, leaving a substantial number of classmates stunned. I'm not sure if she so vehemently opposed my argument or if she wanted to test my resolve.

Some 15 years later, I still wonder why it is we treat our pets humanely...not allowing them to suffer, but can not offer that compassion to each other? I've heard the religious arguments.

I've heard the ethical arguments. I've even heard the practicality arguments. But I am here to tell you...not all people go to gently. Why can't a person with a debilitating or terminal illness make an informed decision with their family and a health care provider on the timing of their death?

We should be able to offer a person a choice. Just as I made out my living will so that my decisions are known if I can't express them...why not a decision to die? A living will only allows for natural death. Why not criteria for euthanasia?

Death is a fact of life...but agony and suffering should not be.

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