February 21, 2009


I am not a religious person. I do not find comfort there. But I respect your beliefs...whatever they may be. I define religion separately from the belief of a higher power. I have my doubts about there being an all powerful being, but I won't go into the lack of logic/blind faith, how could God/free will arguments here. Religion on the other hand, is a man made business just like any other. They have a product to sell. And don't even have to prove it exists. Not my point. My topic today as the title may have clued you in, is prayer. Something I don't, under the circumstances, normally find myself doing much. But there was a time when I had a very strong faith and found myself giving much consideration to prayer. I considered it, because I often found myself annoyed by others lack of consideration. Yes, we all make statements like, "Pray for good weather." But it isn't an actual request. When I was in college, there was a group that would get together and pray for good scores. I mean come on...if you are going to bend the ear of an all mighty being and you truly believe he is listening...you're going to ask for a B on your mid-term? I figure I might get one chance in a lifetime to have a prayer answered and I sure don't want it to be to pass an exam.

I came to the conclusion, a long time ago, that people that believe in God don't give him enough credit. If he is all powerful, all knowing, then doesn't he know what's best? So why don't more people pray for the ability to understand him? When I prayed, I always asked for the strength to bear what path God chose for me...that is true faith.

Lessons from a non-believer...feel free to ignore.

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