February 23, 2009

The life cycle of sex

I'm sure someone, somewhere, has done a big scientific study and spent millions of dollars studying this, but you're just going to get my unscientific observations and two cents worth here...and I bet they'd be similar.

We start out our lives as sexual beings. From day one we are dressed and treated differently because of our gender. Very early on most toddlers discover touching themselves. This seems to be especially noticeable for boys, as girls have to go spelunking....and are usually discouraged by shocked parents before the explorations gets too in depth. Most of us, I'm guessing, have a mostly silent sexuality until the hormones click in at puberty. Then all hell breaks loose. Those early sexual experience are experimental, exciting, sneaky and quiet. Eventually you move on...to a place of your own, where sex doesn't have to be quiet and sneaky. Suddenly you discover VOLUME. Rock the house baby!!! And feel embarrassed every time you run into the obviously uncomfortable downstairs and/or next door neighbor. Then the kids come along...and suddenly sex becomes a muffled (not necessarily in the good way) experience again. The older they get the more secretive you become...after all, ask any kid, their parents DO NOT have sex...oh the horror, the embarrassment and humiliation!!! It is much harder to face your kids than it was the former neighbors. At some point, hopefully before menopause, the kids will move out on their own...and think about how sad it is that Mom and Dad just sit around the house, alone, every night watching TV.

Yeah right...Rock the house baby!!!

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