February 26, 2009


I'm in a pissy mood (it happens) and I was reminded of something that annoys the hell out of me. If you are easily offended this may be the time to go play someplace else.

Why would a man use my gender as a way of insulting my son? It's not just me...I hear this frequently, as this is how I was reminded of it. I once called out a coach for calling the boys on my son's team, "ladies". What are you teaching these boys? That women are nonathletic? Weak? Unworthy of respect? It is degrading. Is this the boy you want picking up your daughter on a Saturday night?

While were at it...Why would a man use a phrase such as, "blow me" (I toned that down...use your imagination) as an insult to another man? I have heard this, among others. I often wonder what other women think. Do they just laugh it off as boys will be boys? That man just used a sex act as a degradation...so where's the respect for the person he'd most likely very much like to be performing such a service?

I think I just solved the problem...I keep using the term MAN. That was my first mistake.

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