February 28, 2009

Run for your life

I've been looking for a pair of board shorts...if you're unfamiliar, those are swim trunks for women. Yes, you wear them with a top...pervert. This search led me to Jefferson Mall today. What a wonderland Jefferson Mall is. I was greeted as soon as I walked through the doors at Sears with a large group of people that didn't seem to be aware of the general etiquette to keep moving so that everyone can come in. As I squeezed around them, I was confronted by cold stares to indicate that I was apparently being rude by wanting to actually come into the store. A few minutes later this group passed me again...screaming, crying kid in tow, while one of the women announced loudly, "They ain't nothin' in this store ya'll want!" Out through the mall entrance they headed. I gave them adequate time to get a head of me, then I headed that way too. BAM! I walked right smack into the middle of some kind of miniature princess competition. Tons of tiny tots and pre-teens dressed in petite prom and brides maid dresses. Let's teach them while their young that nothing is more important than looks...good God save me! I made it to the other end of the mall attempting to not trip over out of control munchkins...or ahem, adults, I use the term loosely, clueless to their environment. I found my shorts...Yay! Those are for my snorkeling trip coming up very soon. If it hadn't been so cold, I think I would have walked around the mall rather than back through. But then I would have missed the "lady". The lady was mobilizing through the mall in a motorized wheel chair. I would not have paid her much attention except she was wearing gold lamé pants...in a mall, on a Saturday, before noon. Hey it's five o'clock somewhere, right? She also had on a long blond curly wig...and snow boots with fur tops. This was quite the fashion statement. Not that I am one to judge others in the style department. I was not staring...I swear. But there were some sequins involved too. Exit stage left. I make it back down to Sears...the beauty pageant has now moved on to, I presume teens. There is someone, I suppose, officiating, instructing, the hopefuls wearing a gold mesh-work crown that is half as tall as she is. I have to be honest, I hurried past the adorable tykes earlier in the day as quickly as possible...this, however, for a moment, has my attention. There are a half dozen girls, of indeterminate age, standing around in formals looking way too made up and stiff. One in particular catches my attention...it must be gold lamé day at the mall. I don't know where she got the dress...but somebody should have told her it was at least two sizes too small. I'm talking about a girl with a nice shape, but she is stretching this dress out in a very unflattering manner. I often wonder if people have full length mirrors at home. There I go again...I am in no standing to be a fashion critic. Jeans and t-shirt baby...and if I want to get fancy, I'll swap my New Balance running shoes for a pair of boots. Today I was grateful for my running shoes...out the nearest exit, not even the closest to the car and damn it was cold out there.

February 27, 2009

Death...by choice

Death may be the greatest of all human blessings. ~Socrates

Let it never be said that I am unwilling or incapable of tackling the serious or controversial subjects. Many years ago I wrote an English paper in favor of assisted suicide. It earned me an A, as it was well written and thought out. It also earned me a public castigation by the teacher...this involved a good bit of yelling on her part, leaving a substantial number of classmates stunned. I'm not sure if she so vehemently opposed my argument or if she wanted to test my resolve.

Some 15 years later, I still wonder why it is we treat our pets humanely...not allowing them to suffer, but can not offer that compassion to each other? I've heard the religious arguments.

I've heard the ethical arguments. I've even heard the practicality arguments. But I am here to tell you...not all people go to gently. Why can't a person with a debilitating or terminal illness make an informed decision with their family and a health care provider on the timing of their death?

We should be able to offer a person a choice. Just as I made out my living will so that my decisions are known if I can't express them...why not a decision to die? A living will only allows for natural death. Why not criteria for euthanasia?

Death is a fact of life...but agony and suffering should not be.

February 26, 2009


I'm in a pissy mood (it happens) and I was reminded of something that annoys the hell out of me. If you are easily offended this may be the time to go play someplace else.

Why would a man use my gender as a way of insulting my son? It's not just me...I hear this frequently, as this is how I was reminded of it. I once called out a coach for calling the boys on my son's team, "ladies". What are you teaching these boys? That women are nonathletic? Weak? Unworthy of respect? It is degrading. Is this the boy you want picking up your daughter on a Saturday night?

While were at it...Why would a man use a phrase such as, "blow me" (I toned that down...use your imagination) as an insult to another man? I have heard this, among others. I often wonder what other women think. Do they just laugh it off as boys will be boys? That man just used a sex act as a degradation...so where's the respect for the person he'd most likely very much like to be performing such a service?

I think I just solved the problem...I keep using the term MAN. That was my first mistake.

February 24, 2009

Research causes cancer in rats

I remember the first time I saw that...research causes cancer in rats. It rang very true to me, as it seems EVERYTHING causes cancer. And everything is researched, often with opposing results. The research study I heard about today was that wine, and possibly any alcohol, consumption increased the risk for a variety of different cancers. Wow...wasn't it not too long ago that researchers were saying that red wine was good for your heart? But apparently the cancer risks outweigh the heart benefits.

I get annoyed every time I hear the breaking news of the latest study. It either contradicts a previous study...or I think, duh, you spent how much to figure that out? Seems like common sense to me.

I know there is a lot of valuable research going on, and many people pin their hopes on a breakthrough. But it seems to me there is a lot of money going down the drain to prove what we already know or to "discover" absolutely useless information. Maybe the researchers have to report something, anything, to prove to the financial backers that they're not just sitting around in a lab playing cards.

Will telling me that wine will protect my heart, encourage me to drink red wine? No. Will telling me that alcohol may lead to cancer, prevent me from drinking? No. So what's the point? Couldn't that money have been better spent someplace else...like in cancer research? We know everything causes cancer, we've seen the research. Guess what? Humans can not live in protective bubbles, which undoubtedly would cause cancer. So take all the rats you've given cancer while getting them drunk and find a cure...or at the very least better treatment options. Because I didn't spend a dime in research and I can tell you, the options we have now suck!

When you release those research results, I'll stand and cheer.

February 23, 2009

The life cycle of sex

I'm sure someone, somewhere, has done a big scientific study and spent millions of dollars studying this, but you're just going to get my unscientific observations and two cents worth here...and I bet they'd be similar.

We start out our lives as sexual beings. From day one we are dressed and treated differently because of our gender. Very early on most toddlers discover touching themselves. This seems to be especially noticeable for boys, as girls have to go spelunking....and are usually discouraged by shocked parents before the explorations gets too in depth. Most of us, I'm guessing, have a mostly silent sexuality until the hormones click in at puberty. Then all hell breaks loose. Those early sexual experience are experimental, exciting, sneaky and quiet. Eventually you move on...to a place of your own, where sex doesn't have to be quiet and sneaky. Suddenly you discover VOLUME. Rock the house baby!!! And feel embarrassed every time you run into the obviously uncomfortable downstairs and/or next door neighbor. Then the kids come along...and suddenly sex becomes a muffled (not necessarily in the good way) experience again. The older they get the more secretive you become...after all, ask any kid, their parents DO NOT have sex...oh the horror, the embarrassment and humiliation!!! It is much harder to face your kids than it was the former neighbors. At some point, hopefully before menopause, the kids will move out on their own...and think about how sad it is that Mom and Dad just sit around the house, alone, every night watching TV.

Yeah right...Rock the house baby!!!

February 21, 2009


I am not a religious person. I do not find comfort there. But I respect your beliefs...whatever they may be. I define religion separately from the belief of a higher power. I have my doubts about there being an all powerful being, but I won't go into the lack of logic/blind faith, how could God/free will arguments here. Religion on the other hand, is a man made business just like any other. They have a product to sell. And don't even have to prove it exists. Not my point. My topic today as the title may have clued you in, is prayer. Something I don't, under the circumstances, normally find myself doing much. But there was a time when I had a very strong faith and found myself giving much consideration to prayer. I considered it, because I often found myself annoyed by others lack of consideration. Yes, we all make statements like, "Pray for good weather." But it isn't an actual request. When I was in college, there was a group that would get together and pray for good scores. I mean come on...if you are going to bend the ear of an all mighty being and you truly believe he is listening...you're going to ask for a B on your mid-term? I figure I might get one chance in a lifetime to have a prayer answered and I sure don't want it to be to pass an exam.

I came to the conclusion, a long time ago, that people that believe in God don't give him enough credit. If he is all powerful, all knowing, then doesn't he know what's best? So why don't more people pray for the ability to understand him? When I prayed, I always asked for the strength to bear what path God chose for me...that is true faith.

Lessons from a non-believer...feel free to ignore.

February 09, 2009

Over the hills and through the woods

First off, I'll admit the title has absolutely nothing to do with the subject...but then I plan on a variety of subjects so technically you will be adventuring over the hills and through the woods of my mind. The hills have eyes and the woods are dark and deep, so watch your step.

I drove home today with the moon roof open. What a treat!!! I am perfectly aware that it is February and very short lived, but I needed the sunshine. My mood was improved just by 30 minutes of sun and warm air...and loud music.

This weekend I participated in a science experiment. There grows in Asia a fruit called the Miracle Berry. It somehow effects the sour/bitter receptors on your tongue. A friend ordered a tablet/freeze dried version and decided we'd give it a try. The pills reminded me for some reason of the dental disclosure tablets you got as a kid to show where you missed brushing. You let the tablet dissolve while swishing it around in your mouth. It had an odd pasty flavor like cornstarch, but not unpleasant.

A table had been prepared for this little experiment...lemon, lime and grapefruit wedges, every type of bitter/sour candy you can imagine and for good measure tequila. At least I think that was included for good measure...some of us had to try it a couple of times. So the first thing I picked up was a section of grapefruit. I love grapefruit, sectioned and sprinkled with sugar. After the Miracle Berry the grapefruit was sweet like an orange...it was amazing and delicious. Next I tried a lemon wedge. It was like the sweetest lemonade, almost too sweet. I regret not trying the lime. The results were the same for all the candies...all sweet, no sour. Cranberry juice was like Kool-aid. That for good measure tequila was now sipable as all the edges had been smoothed out. I wasn't paying attention to my watch so I can't say how long the effect lasted but it seemed to suddenly disappear as I popped a Sour Patch gummy in my mouth and received rebound WOW!There were no ill effects except a mild rough feeling of the tongue which disappeared quickly.

Some people at work were amazed that I would consume some strange pill from Asia purchased over the Internet without more concern. I wonder if they read the labels of their energy drinks or herbal supplements? But then I'm the person that ended up with potentially life threatening reaction from an FDA approved, emergency room doctor prescribed medication. Sometimes you just have to live a little.

I am quickly closing in on the end of my first disc (of 4) from Lost Odyssey...my very first Xbox 360 game. I am enjoying it and slowly learning my way around. It has fallen out of favor the last few days as I picked up a previous love Saturday morning as I headed out the door to get my oil changed...a book. A good book, one that has you sucked into the story in the first few pages and refuses to let go. Sail by James Patterson & Howard Roughan is one of those easy reads that I find myself, well, sailing through. I read 252 pages Saturday and that's with me getting my oil changed, going shopping, playing Xbox and experimenting with strange bizarre food products from Asia. Not bad for a Saturday afternoon.

I think I'll go read.