December 03, 2013

Thank you for being a rock in my stream

When I was in high school, my junior or senior year, my English teacher had a poster on the wall that said something to the effect of: Don't float along on the surface of life, but dive deep. That was over 30 years ago and the meaning, if the not the exact words, have stuck with me. I'm not sure how deep I have ventured in life. I have never wanted a lot. But I have not spent my entire life floating along with the sun on my face either. I rolled over with my mask and snorkel, above the deep, and sometimes, murky waters. Everything has not been all sunshine and rainbows, but then, I like the dark and mysterious. And in my stream of life, there have been people that I have bumped into, and off of. They have slowed my progress, changed my direction and even caused, at times, my own personal rapids. I would not be who I am if not for each of them. Even in rough waters, I have learned something...and a fast and bumpy ride, isn't always a bad thing. I wish I could thank each of them for the parts they've played, whether slowing me down or pushing me along, the calm and the rough, the expected and unexpected. But even in hindsight, I'm not sure I realize the significance of each encounter, or remember every face. But I assure you, I have very fond memories that play frequently in the theater of my mind.

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