December 28, 2013

My Christmas vacation

I've never taken a lot of time off at Christmas, because I did not have enough seniority to qualify. This year, I work for a company where Christmas is actually a holiday! That means you don't work. I took the two days following, Thursday and Friday, as vacation days. Then tack on the weekend, and you get five glorious days of vacation. One of the things I quickly discovered, is lots of people have time off around the holidays. This allowed me to spend time with some of my favorite people.

One thing I promised myself was the gift of time. No early morning plans. No running around like a headless fowl. That does not mean locking myself away like a hermit. I get cabin fever. I love an occasional day of nothing, but more than that, and I pace like a caged animal...and probably growl as such too.

My vacation...

I made no plans involving me leaving home before noon.

I shared meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, with family and/or friends.

I have gone out to the movies and stayed home with a book. (Sunday night edit: Make that 2 books and a short story)

I have slept when tired and risen when rested. This is much more of a treat than many might imagine. My life and my sleep do not coincide well with each other.

I'm on my last day of this wonderful break from life; as tomorrow, I will need to start preparing for my week. I have really enjoyed the gift of time.

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