March 18, 2010

Growing old sucks

But I'm not old yet...or at least not as old as I should be for the problem I have.

I went to the eye doctor a month ago for my routine eye exam. He told me that I was developing sub-capsular cataracts. A form that tends to grow rather rapidly. He explained that this type of cataract has more to do with heredity than age. Well I'll be the first to say my genetics suck!!! Both parents with diabetes, both with open heart surgeries and both died from cancer. I do not have expectations of living a long life. But I can't recall them having cataracts...just not as dramatic, I guess.

I picked my glasses up a week ago and have been struggling with them ever since. My vision is just not right. Only once in the many years I've been wearing glasses has the prescription been wrong in a pair of new glasses, but I went in today to have them checked out.

I can barely make out 20/40 in my left eye what I was seeing 20/20 a month ago. He adjusted, both for stronger and weaker, and neither improved my vision. The doctor said the cataract has grown enough to move into my field of vision. It's like having a Vaseline smudge on my glasses. The good news, it's going to keep getting worse. The bad news, it requires eye surgery. He says they can restore my vision, possibly even eliminating my need for glasses...but the idea of eye surgery terrifies the living crap out of me.

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