March 27, 2010

Alice in Wonderland...the movie

I finally picked a day and decided I was going to see the movie,even if it was alone. A pair of friends rescued me from a fate worse than death, or so you'd husband asked, "You're actually going to go alone?" He had no desire to see the movie. Other commitments had prevented me from attending previously when other friends went. Yes, I told him, I was going. After all I am a grown, strong, independent, woman...I can do things without having someone hold my hand.

As I recall the movie opened March 5th, so 3 weeks ago. There were, maybe, six people in the theater with the three of us...maybe less. We were sitting up front and I did not count heads in the rafters. I really do prefer not sitting elbow-to-elbow with random, and usually rude and obnoxious, strangers to see a movie, so this suited me just fine. I had anticipated a lesser crowd, three weeks in, but not this small. But then I factored in that How to Train Your Dragon was opening this weekend.


I liked the movie.

Should I just quit there?

It is very visual. Sometimes I wished I could slow it down so that I could look at it. It seemed to move too fast. Yes, I understand the frantic pace is part of the movie's atmosphere...but I wanted to LOOK at it, absorb and take it in. There were many details that could not be overlooked, such as the Mad Hatter's eyes and the Red Queen's head, or more accurately, I suppose, her proportions. Not that either was a big surprise, these things were evident in the trailers and abundant press releases.

Alice's declaration, "I make my own path." may be the movie's most memorable line. Don't believe me, Google it. It touched a chord with me...that grown, strong, independent woman that I am. But one of the movie's biggest flaws, was the garbled dialog. There were a couple of occasions when we were unable to decipher what the characters had said. That, is unforgivable.

I couldn't help but think of Joan of Arc as Alice rode off to do battle. The armor, I think. Someone had an amazing time, and much effort was spent, in simply keeping Alice clothed. With great success. Loved the clothing. Unlike the book, Alice's clothing doesn't simply shrink and grow with her.

The movie could have been longer. It is one of the few times I am curious about deleted scenes. There could have been so much more.

And at the end, when she rides off into the sunset, I had an actual moment of fear that she might declare herself, King of the World.

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