January 29, 2010

A random observation

A criminal background check does not prove that someone is a good person. It only proves they haven't been caught.

Call me a cynic.

January 27, 2010


Have you ever really looked at someone's hands? I think they have the potential to tell you a lot about a person. My Dad was a mechanic, and no matter how much he scrubbed, his hands had his job all over them. They always seems to have just a touch of black motor grease. Callouses tell of hard labor, either at work or play...not all labor is bad. I hate to see someone with dirty nails...or broken ones. And I spend a good deal of time in need of repair, as mine are soft and brittle. I dislike seeing chipped polish and therefore do not polish my fingernails. It is just more upkeep than I am comfortable with. I used to think that long fingernails, I mean really long nails, were a sign that someone did not do serious work. I have been proven wrong. Just because I can barely feed myself with them doesn't mean others share my lack of dexterity. What does a manicure say to you about a person? What if that person is indeed a man? Does it speak of his ego, profession or grooming habits? Come now, I don't have all the answers. And lastly and mostly...is there a tell tale sign of a recent ring when someone is denying any romantic entanglements? That ring indention can hang around for awhile...as will a tan line.

January 26, 2010


I had a new, and hopefully one time experience, this morning. I dropped my keys down an elevator shaft. It really wasn't very hard. I had stuck my hand out to catch the door, to allow others to catch a ride. My keys slipped from my hand and just dropped right into the gap between the elevator deck and the floor. Bye-bye keys. Luckily, I was on the ground floor, so they didn't have far to go. I made a call and maintenance fetched them. They said it isn't so unusual for items to be lost that way, it's usually cell phones. They come back in pieces.

Just proof that no good deed goes unpunished.

January 24, 2010

Birthday Adventure 2010

It's kind of hard to know the exact date of your surprise. It is also hard to relinquish control of your entire day. I took a shower, got dressed...and waited. We went out to lunch. We stopped by the liquor store. All the while, I am wondering what will happen, or I suppose more accurately at that time, WHEN something would happen. Everything I had picked up on, said this was to be an evening event...but you never know when someone is leading you astray. I waited...and waited...and waited. I got a text message that said we needed to be 15 minutes late...so I waited some more. Finally, my husband says it's time to go.

We head out on the Snyder, which is pretty much the way we need to go to get anywhere. Then to I-65 N, again not too much unusualness in that. But then Steve comments how everything looks different at night and he isn't sure where he is going and asks me how to get the the AIRPORT. What??? Airport? My heart has just picked up tempo and the mind has gone into overdrive. Now let me clarify...it is perfectly within the realm of possibility that my husband and friends could/would put me on an airplane. I mentally check my personal inventory...I have ID and a credit card. Steve asks me to direct him to departing flights. I wonder where I am going? I even wondered who I could be meeting on an incoming flight. Alexa? Karen? I point. We don't get over far enough. We circle the airport. We make it to the right lane this time, up the ramp we go and I spot a friend of mine, Kevin, standing out front with my name on a board. I get out of the car and look around...where is everybody? Kevin asks if I have any luggage. Ummm, no. Then Steve opens the trunk, pulls out my backpack and says, "Just an overnight bag." What? How did he snag my backpack without me noticing? I reach for it, wondering what is inside, but Kevin gets it first and tells me not to worry...he will take care of everything. Steve gets back in the car and drives away. Now you may be wondering if my husband would drop me off at the airport and let someone take/put me on an airplane? I think that answer is yes. Now the brain is doing something along this line: Where are my friends that I was expecting to celebrate with? Was Laura asking about my favorite Mexican food a ruse? Steve had slipped, I thought, when he mentioned going to Ginny's on Saturday...another red herring? Where was I going? It couldn't be far...an overnight trip? Chicago perhaps...Kevin and I had talked once about my desire to go to Chicago. It was the only place I could think of that I could go to and come back that quickly. Kevin is talking, in a weird kind of accent, assuring me that everything is taken care of, that he will take care of me. He leads me into the terminal...a bad name for a place where people get onto airplanes. My brain is still doing cartwheels. I realize I am grinning like an idiot while my brain is still trying to connect all the dots. We get on an elevator and go down. At some point I noted that he put a airline tag on my backpack. He has a clipboard with papers on it...airline tickets? We get off the elevator and go up the escalator. My brain slams on the brakes...we went down in the elevator and up on the escalator. It may be doing somersaults but this did not go unnoticed. It's weird when you KNOW people are up to something. You can't assume the obvious is what it appears to be, but it is really hard to ignore what is staring you in the face....like being in the airport. I am still grinning like an idiot...I think. So after going up the escalator, we go out the doors...and wait. OK, I am out of the terminal. I am not going anywhere. Heart slows. Brain readjusts to some normality, if indeed my brain is capable of normality. I think maybe Steve is waiting to pick me up from this adventure into Wonderland. Nope. A van glides up the the curb and my own personal flight attendant (in real life) Laura steps out to help with my luggage and get me securely "on board". Mark, my Captain is at the wheel...this is the second time Mark has impersonated a Pilot with this group. He makes a damn fine looking pilot too. Fits the part perfectly. My luggage is stowed in cargo...no carry on allowed. I still have no idea what is in my backpack, nor does it seem I am likely to find out anytime soon. I get full instructions from my flight attendant on the escape routes and how to fasten my seatbelt. I am also informed that we have no flotation devices. But we'll be traveling at low altitudes. The co-pilot, the GPS, informs us of the route to our destination. The trip is filled with airplane puns and laughter...oh and beverage service.

We arrive at our destination...Ginny's house. There are tiki torches greeting me on my arrival. This is a very odd sight around here in January. I finally get my hands on my backpack...to discover it has a change of clothes and sandals...I am being herded towards the front door where I am greeted with holas and welcomes. I am handed a glass of sangria, appropriately dressed with an umbrella and I am given the grand tour...guest rooms, where I may change my clothing, restaurant and beach.

The beach: 300 lbs of sand spread across the garage floor. Now you have to remember this is January. Last year when we celebrated my birthday outdoors, it was subfreezing. My friends have taken some precautions not to suffer that way again. And the weather has been merciful, it's 50+ degrees outside and the garage is quite comfortable. So there is sand and seashells. There is a wading pool. There is an ocean backdrop. There are palm trees and lounge chairs. It makes me smile.

The food: Laura, a different Laura, is one of the best cooks I know. Also one of the sweetest people. She has put out an amazing spread of Mexican delights. But my favorite, without a doubt, were the plantains. Fried in butter then served with Dulce de Leche sauce. This was a big hit all the way around. There was a queso fountain. There was a punch bowl full of sangria.

I changed into my bright orange skirt that I bought last year in Mexico. Took off the socks and shoes and slipped into my sandals....thankfully I had shaved and recently painted the toenails. We ate, we drank, we played. People dipped in the pool...briefly, the water did not stay warm long. Bare feet danced across sand. We played pin the tail on the jackass...a grown up version of the popular children's party game. It gave us an excuse to blindfold and spin drunk people. We beat a piƱata...more spinning, more drunk people, but with a big stick. I had a treasure chest full, of well, treasure. I should also mention that I had my own cabana boys...one of which really got into his role and provided me with much entertainment. We partied the night away.

I can't think of a better way to celebrate getting older...or people I'd rather do it with.

January 23, 2010

Let the games begin

Tonight my friends celebrate my birthday (it was the 6th, but schedules didn't align until today). This will be the 3rd year. This is no ordinary party. This is an adventure. The only thing I know about tonight, is well, it's tonight. I am starting to feel anxious in that giddy kind of way. Just about anything is possible...anything. The first year I was kidnapped, literally, by ninjas from in front of a very crowded restaurant. This has kind of set the tone. And has left me ever so slightly paranoid around my birthday. I walk down the street and hope people don't notice me glancing over my shoulder, then giggling when I catch myself. I find myself tonight jumping at every little sound...trying not to be too off guard, I suppose. Don't get me wrong, I love the excitement and suspense. Let the games begin. I love my friends.

January 22, 2010

Go practice someplace else

Why do they call it practicing medicine? Because it is not an exact science, despite what they might lead you to believe. My doctor's office called me yesterday to give me the results of all my tests. This is one of the things I really like about them. They even call with the normals. I had some lab work and a cat scan (CT) of my abdomen. The CT was kind of an accident..one that cost me $170. I had mentioned to my doctor that I was supposed to have a screening. I inadvertently said CT when I meant ultrasound. I realized this mistake when they brought me two large glass of "kool-aid" to drink. I didn't have to do this the last time. This is when I realized what had happened. Oh well, I'd already paid, the insurance had precerted, I was there and this test would show what I was needing to look at plus I figure might as well have a look around the insides. So yesterday, as I said, the doctor's office calls and reads off all my tests...I passed some, I failed some, but the CT was negative...that would be a positive. Today my doctor's office called me back to say I have a cyst on my ovary with some adhesions blah blah. This was not noted, I guess, in the original results because it was not what we were looking at. So now I get to go back for the ultrasound that I meant to schedule when I scheduled the CT. But I guess it was a good thing I accidentally got a CT. I sure hope they don't plain on doing anything about it. I'm in no mood for abdominal surgery. She said it was 3 mm or 3 cm...she wasn't very clear, or maybe that's when the blah blah part came in...and to be honest I don't know how big/small/significant that is. She assured me it was nothing to worry about..OK great, I wasn't worried until she assured me everything was OK. Says something about the personality, huh? So I get to go get jellied up and ultrasounded (yes, I know it's bad English...but it's my blog, so bite me). At least it is one of the lesser procedures on the scale of uncomfortable or embarrassing. Fun and joy. I wonder how much this one will cost me?

January 17, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

I have always been curious about the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. There seems to be so many bits of the story in the social consciousness, and in my own, but I could not remember having actually read the book or even seen a movie about Alice and company. It absolutely amazes me that a story written in 1865 has had such staying power. I just finished Alice in Wonderland and still have Through the Looking-Glass to read. I have my doubts that the book is why so many people know these characters. The book is really limited on the depth of the characters. Yes, I realize it is a children's book. And now I realize why my recollections of the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Cheshire Cat seemed to be snippets...that's all that's really there.

I am also amazed by how extensively the book, and the life of Lewis Carroll, have been dissected. There are books, volumes of books, about this short children's story and it's author. Maybe I'm missing something. I don't know. But I found the story to be a little disappointing. I wanted more than I already had...and it's just not there.

Maybe Through the Looking-Glass will add something, maybe not. Maybe I read these stories ages ago and just forgot. The art work seems really familiar to me. I'm betting there was something "Disney" along the way. That is why everyone knows Alice's adventure.

There is an Alice in Wonderland movie (with Johnny Depp) opening in March. It looks bright and interesting. Hopefully it will be more interesting than the book...and that is a sad, sad thing.

January 16, 2010

It's a stinky world...

or so you'd think if you pay attention to TV commercials. How many different ways can you fragrance your house? A lot of money is spent convincing people that their homes smell. What are all you people doing?

January 05, 2010

It's my party...and there will be no crying.

Tomorrow is my 48th birthday. That does not bother me at all. I am happy. Good husband. Good sons. Good friends. I may sometimes complain, but all in all I have a pretty good life. I wish I had more energy and I hate to admit that I'm slowing down, but I still outmaneuver many of my contemporaries. So no tears for growing older...not from me. I'll raise my glass and celebrate because growing older beats the hell out of the alternative.

Cheers to 48!!! May I be fortunate enough to see that many again with my health and mental abilities intact.

January 03, 2010


This is for me. So that I will remember.

"What did she do for you with her friendship? What benefit was there?"

"I guess I was just able to say I had a friend."

"She used you, yet you felt grateful."

"She really did like me. We really did have some good times."

"She's lazy. That extends to her friendships. If it's easy to be friendly she will be. If the wind blows the other way, her friendship will be gone. And I'm thinking the wind is blowing the other way."

All Together Dead, page 83. Sometimes it's nice to know you aren't alone.

Lagging behind

I guess I should have posted my New Year wishes a few days ago but I have been happily busy. I am not a big believer that anything changes because we flip the page of a man made calendar....end of year or not. But if it makes you feel better to wish for bigger, better, brighter for the new year, I will play along and wish those things for you. I seldom hear anyone wish the old year would stay awhile longer. At most, someone may say, it was a very good year. I'm not sure 2009 was a very good year, but overall I can't complain so much. I did not lose anyone close to me...unlike the three previous years. I went to Mexico for the 1st time in 2009 and fell in love. I went snorkeling, something I had always wanted to do. It wasn't as easy as I had expected, but not all things are. I spent a lot of times with friends, maybe even made a few new ones. Discovered a few new places...and lost a favorite restaurant. Maybe started a few new traditions as well as continuing some. I had a wonderful holiday season with only a few bumps along the way. I am a lucky woman. So Happy New Year! Actually, Happy New Decade! I hope it brings you joyous feelings, happiness and love. May you be surrounded by people that accept you for who you are. May you find contentment...as I think that may be the best achievement in life.