December 31, 2016

Happy? New Year

Image result for holiday 2017 philippines gazette
Most people will agree that 2016 has not been a good year, but I don't think I have ever looked at the next year with so much trepidation. 2016 has seen a lot of deaths in the celebrity world. It sure has seemed more than the normal. According to the news, police shootings have increased tremendously.  There was, for me, a shocking Presidential election, which leads to my trepidation. Since then, at least the reporting of hate crimes has increased. Louisville has had a record number of murders, and shootings have become frequent in the news.

On a more personal level, I lost my canine companion of of 14+ years. Enough about that, I'm already overemotional. I told my boss the other day that I was a mixture of pregnancy, PMS and senile dementia all rolled into one basket case. NO, I am not pregnant!!! I started a medicine November 1st for RA. It has made me experience many symptoms I had when pregnant. Nausea in the morning. Food aversions and cravings. The smell of food, while cooking, killing my desire to eat. Other smells sending me running from the room. Over emotional, like my PMS days. I cry way too easily, even more so recently.

We went to Mexico again this year. Just 3 of us this time. Steve got deathly ill, he was almost hospitalized in Mexico. We have no idea why he got so sick. I hope we never have a recurrence. I can say that I am grateful to be in a place, where the doctor told me a price and I handed her my credit card. This coming year is booked for 5. Returning to a resort we visited previously and enjoyed. They have recently revamped the entire hotel and I swear they fixed each and every item I mentioned in my review as being cons. Looking forward to having my toes in the sand and sun on my face.

Steve's health, otherwise has been fairly stable. We recently got good news that the tumors in his neck were smaller. They will only treat his lymphoma if the symptoms become an issue. The tumors in his neck had been giving him issues with swallowing. Treatment, chemo and/or radiation, would likely make him feel worse and potentially cause other issues.

My son got engaged this year. They will be getting married in May. In addition to a daughter-in-law, I will gain a 3 year old granddaughter. I want very much to be a good mother-in-law. That is something I have been very fortunate in. My mother-in-law has never been a big issue. It has been fun to shop with Regna for the wedding jewelry, that I will be making, and the flowers. I look forward to their wedding and I wish them a bright and happy future.

My job has been bumpy. There are always changes, a few good, but many difficult. I wonder about the future. I think sometimes of moving on. Same thing, someplace else. But I have a lot of seniority and vacation time, that I don't want to give up. I have already scheduled 4 weeks of vacation next year.

I am very lucky to have a family, that is slowly expanding enough to fill my house and table. The last few years, the holidays have not seemed so hollow. The plight of an only child. In addition, I have friends that often include me at their tables and holidays. I consider myself very lucky to have so many people that welcome me as a part of their lives.

As for next year, I hope what I always hope; happiness, health and financial security. In addition, I will also hope that our country will come together. That things will not devolve into the disaster that many fear. I hope that cooler heads will prevail. A year from now, hopefully we can say, that wasn't so bad.

May you be surrounded by people that you love. May your table be bountiful and you share it with others. May you find love and laughter in the company of others, and peaceful solitude when you are alone. May your heart love without restraint and the heartaches be healed. Smile often. Laugh freely. Offer a hand when you can. Take a hand when you need. Let's work together, and if we can never have peace on Earth, at least let us have it in our hearts. Happy 2017.

December 10, 2016


The glorious holiday season when everyone posts pictures from their get-togethers. I see a photo today of group of women that I formerly worked with. We all formerly worked together, as the office was closed. I don't care that they get together. I likely would not have attended, if invited. So why does it bother me that I wasn't asked? I was as much a part of that office as anyone else. I am very confused by these feelings. Feeling excluded from a gathering I have no interest in attending. MAKES. NO. SENSE.

November 23, 2016

Dog name

I just had the weird, random, thought that my next dog would be named Loki.

This is weird for a couple of reasons.

1. I never, ever, pre-name animals. I have spent days, looking at an animal waiting for the right name to come to me. Though, I have joked that I should name a dog, Sun. Just to here my husband say, come here "sun". The last few dogs:

Majik, a black lab mix, was named by my son, when he vetoed my choice of Warlock.

Jazz, a German Shepherd/Husky mix, was named when my husband called his bother, Heinz 57, and I replied, and all that Jazz.

I had a perfectly named cat. It took me a week, as I stared at that cat and I could feel the name, as they say, on the tip of my tongue--Chaos.

2. I have no plans to get a dog.

November 15, 2016

Got to do

So, after my shower this morning, I was feeling pretty tired. But I had planned a shopping trip. So, off I went. I spent about an hour shopping. I stopped, inside the store, and helped a man that was having a time getting out of a wheelchair. I explained that I was a nurse, and asked if I could help. He told me he'd had his knee replaced 3 weeks ago. We talked for a bit. My husband had his knee replaced and has done very well with it. I think we both felt better for the experience. 
I drove home feeling much better than I had. I opened the moon roof and let the cool air and sunshine refresh me. I have to remember that sometimes I need to DO.

November 11, 2016


I am 99% white.
I am 99% straight.
I am 99% atheist.
I am 99% uncertain of my future.

November 01, 2016

A new ribbon

I have a new ribbon to add to the collection. I am none too happy about it, but have been telling myself, it could be worse. It can almost always be worse. But it is hard to be told that you have a life long, potentially debilitating, disease. I found out yesterday and started treatment today. Fortunately, that has gone smoothly. The treatment is scary. Not treating isn't an option. I haven't decided yet to tell, I am usually pretty open, but I am afraid this will carry some stigma. I don't want to be treated like I am fragile. I am not, yet. I just saw a meme that says, Good news, it isn't cancer. Bad news, you'll have to take chemo the rest of your life. Fun, huh? The doctor explained that cancer gets it by the bucketful, I only have to take a thimbleful. Every week. Forever. Just a thimbleful of poison. No big deal, right? And because I will be taking poison, I get another pill for side effects, so maybe my mouth won't erupt in sores, or my hair won't fall out, or I won't throw up. You know, all those chemo side effects. No, I am not dealing with this very well. I don't even have the option of, maybe I'll get better. I guess, I should be grateful there is treatment. That maybe, I get to keep doing the things I enjoy.

July 24, 2016

Emotionally inaccurate

Don't assume because you see laughter, that I am happy.
Don't assume because you see me being silly, that I am stupid.
Don't assume because you see a tear, that I am sad.*

*Especially that one. I cry for a lot of reasons. Most often it is to release the pressure that could do serious harm.


When you hear me say, I am angry, believe it.
When you hear me say, stop, believe it.
When you hear me say, I'm done with you, believe it.

July 16, 2016

Two people diverge in the woods...

It always amazes me how two people can travel along the same road for years. Then one hits a rock in the road and is flung off into the woods. Sometimes they try to find each other. Sometimes, one of them just speeds off. Sometimes they meet again at a crossroads and decide to travel along together again. Maybe, they'll be more careful of rocks in the path this time. Maybe not.

Life is so different depending on the path you choose, and the people that travel it with you. Getting lost isn't always bad, as long as you can still find yourself. Without ever getting lost, how do you know what possibilities exists? Staying on the well worn path, is safe. But sometimes, a rock is good for everybody.

July 01, 2016

My state of being

 I was thinking this morning, that what I learned yesterday, might be beneficial to others. So here I am writing. I have, yet again, discovered that I have a malady potentially brought on by lifestyle. I went to a dermatologist to discuss a couple of things. One of the issues was my fingernails. They have developed vertical ridges, running from the tips to the cuticles. This was bothersome for a couple of reasons. I was concerned I had a fungal infection. And, one of the nails kept trying to split along one of the ridges, vertically. I kept trimming it back, which seemed to be keeping it in check. I knew if that nail split back that way, it was going to hurt, a lot. The good news, no fungal infection. The dermatologist said that my nails were very thin. I knew that, they have always been thin. He said what was causing the ridges was stress. Not mental stress, but physical stress--potentially, from typing. And since I know a lot of us spend time doing that, for work and/or recreation, I thought I would share. My nails, especially my thumbs, split about a 1/3 of the way from the tip. He said that is likely stress from hitting the space bar.

He has written me a prescription for something that is applied to the nails. The pharmacy was out of it yesterday, and it may require pre-approval from the insurance--not holding my breath on that one. His other recommendation was Biotin. I already take a multivitamin, so I checked, it only has 5% of the recommended dosage of Biotin. So I guess I will start taking another pill (ugh), or find a better multivitamin. He said that you can usually find Biotin in a vitamin for hair, nail and skin. Who couldn't use help in all those areas? OK, shut up people with perfect skin, nails and hair.

In addition to a daily multivitamin, I take Calcium with Vitamin D, because I am lacking. It was discovered on a lab result, some years ago, that I essentially had no Vitamin D in my system. Not enough unprotected sunshine. Nor, do I consume much dairy. I also take a B12, because the proton pump inhibitor (Pepcid, Zantac, etc) that I take, interferes with it. Also discovered in lab work. So, yes, I am taking a pill because I take a pill. That bothers me--but not as much as the acid reflux. Have I mentioned that I hate taking pills? I am up to 7 a day. Only 2 are prescription, 3 vitamins/supplements, a baby aspirin and allergy medication. After seeing some of the medication lists at work, I figure I'm not doing too bad. But, I'll admit to having a frustrated doctor. She has gotten to the point where she says, I'll write the Rx, let me know if you're going to take it. Nurses make really bad patients.

June 12, 2016

Guns are not guilty--people are

Recently I saw a statement that said, guns are evil. 

I responded that guns are tools, people are evil. Let's place the blame where it needs to be. 

They responded that if the person had not had a gun, people would not be dead.

If a person has evil intent, he would make a bomb. He would set the building on fire, gasoline and a match--both legal and easily obtainable. When a person is intent on doing evil, they will find a way. And a person with such intentions does not care that the gun is illegal. People that can not legally own a gun (underage, felons, etc), still do. I just think the blame needs to go to the person or people. We don't blame the car or the booze when there is a drinking related accident, we blame the driver--the person that made bad choices, not the instruments he used.

May 01, 2016

Guns and bladders

Recently, I have seen this quote frequently on Facebook: 

"I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face...and a gun under my shirt and you are none the wiser, yet you are safer for having me next to you. I won't shoot you. My gun won't pull it's own trigger. It is securely holstered with the trigger covered. It can't just go off. However, rest assured that if a lunatic walks into the grocery store and pulls out a rifle, I will draw my pistol and protect myself and my family and therefore protect you and your family. I may freeze up. I may piss my pants. I may get shot before I can pull the trigger...but, I won't die in a helpless blubbering heap on the floor begging for my life or my child's life. I won't be that victim. I choose not to be. As for you, I don't ask you to carry a gun. If you are not comfortable, then please don't. But I would like to keep my right to choose to not be a helpless victim. There is evil in the world and if evil has a gun, I want one too..." -Brian Cerny

As I stood in line in the grocery this morning, it crossed my mind. Then my brain did it's weird random thing, and thought...

And when the transgender person is in the stall next to you, you won't know either. They will keep their genitals hidden just like the person that legally carries concealed . Do you think they never used a public facility before someone decided to freak out and make an issue of it? 

I have frequently heard the argument, if you make guns illegal, only criminals will have guns. I think, honestly, you'll just make more criminals, because many law abiding citizens would not turn over their weapons, therefore becoming a non-law abiding citizen. So if you make it illegal for a transgender individual to use a restroom facility where they feel safe, that they have been using anyway, what will happen? Will they go where they feel threatened, or will they quietly continue what they always have? I suspect the latter. And who is going to play bathroom monitor, like we're all in elementary school? Will we have to carry out birth certificates and ask, pretty please, may I potty?

This isn't about 6'4" Joe Cowboy, with his 5 o'clock shadow, using the lady's room because he threw back a few too many brewskis for his bladder. I can pretty much assure you, he'd rather head to the head with the urinals. 

Will criminals take advantage of the law? Perhaps. If they wanted to hang out in a stall waiting for an opportunity to take advantage, they could. If they want to hang around in the hall and watch you enter and follow you in, they could...that's what makes them crim

April 26, 2016


I need more fractions in my life. Never thought I'd say that.

Pants, I need a 1/2. One size is too small. the next size is too big.

Shoes, I need a 1/4. I already wear a half size, but they could be just a tad bit bigger. The next size is way too big.

Thermostat, I need a 1/4, a 1/2 and a 3/4. Oh let's face it, there is no comfortable. I am either hot or cold, and sometimes both at the same time.

April 24, 2016

Mexico 2016

Just came home from Mexico late last night. This trip, the 8th, had some firsts. I went to Xel Ha, something I have been meaning to do for several years and my husband got sick. Really sick.

Xel Ha was amazing. Best snorkeling ever. Saw a stingray. Swam with a sea turtle. Tons of fish. I look forward to doing that again. Learned a lesson, see previous post. Take shoes you can attach to your life jacket. I think I burned the bottom of my feet walking on hot paths. Also, we turned our fins in before floating down the river. Those would have been helpful when trying to maneuver. But our lack of direction did lead to a lot of laughter. If you can't laugh at yourself...

Would have helped if we knew where we were going to. The map in my pocket, was not much help once it was water logged. We came upon a group of parrots in a little display area. They weren't there long, I don't know if the parrots come in to eat at a certain time, or what. But luckily, we happened upon them. Macaws, beautiful. And, we did our usual, we greeted them with, hell-o. One turns it's head and checks me out. I repeat, hell-o. Black beady stare. Then the light bulb ::bam:: Hello, to me, Mexican parrots. Hola, I say. Beady eye responds back, Hola. Who knew parrots spoke Spanish! ;)

As I mentioned previously, my husband got sick on Thursday. We were flying out on Saturday. You know it is serious when you call a doctor in Mexico. We were lucky, her English was pretty good. Medical terminology is often studied in English, or has roots in Latin. So we shared a common language. Her calculation from Celsius to Fahrenheit scared me, and was wrong. Not that I can do that calculation in my head either. Steve's 104 temperature, turned out to actually be 101.5. I know Fahrenheit has no more meaning to her than Celsius does to me. I knew looking at him that he was not running a 104 fever. He was breathing, alert and oriented.

We were discussing this afternoon how quiet it was at the resort. At least in our room. Our house is never quiet. You get so accustomed to the noise that you don't notice it anymore. We've not had the TV on all day. If seems like an unwelcome intrusion.

One bright to slightly woozy part of the trip was the Axel specials. Axel is an evil bartender (haha) but makes amazing margaritas. 
2 oz anejo tequila, he preferred Hornitos
2 oz Cointreau or Grand Marnier
1 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
Rim glass with salt and serve over ice
He says margaritas should not have syrup in them. Experience says he is correct, unless you want to drink more than 1 or 2.

Along the way, we taught a new English word to one of the servers. Eventually. She admitted that she did not know this word. Good to pay back, I have been taught many Spanish words. 

I almost forgot to mention the roller coaster flight into Cancun. There was a great deal of shaking, rocking and rolling. It was not a horrible flight, after all we remained in the air, But it was one of the roughest we have had. 

I also wanted to mention the unusual man at airport. Sitting at our gate waiting for our departure, this man walks up and sits down on the opposite side of the gate. Suit jacket, jeans, leather hat,'s the strange part, he's wearing boots that are so small his feet don't fit in them. They were those half boots with the zippers on the side. His were not zipped up, and his heel is hanging off the back. In addition, he is carrying a cooler as his carry on item. Then he started greeting people, like he knew them. Like they all belonged to a secret club that had a super, double secret, hand sign...only he was the only one aware of it. Nothing suspicious here. We boarded before him and wondered if they pulled him out for a random search. I was glad when he walked past our row on the plane.

Mexico, 8 years and still learning

We say we learn something new every year we go to Mexico. I was trying to remember them all. This goes beyond the normal recommendations, of don't drink the water. By the way, that does not apply in the resorts. Or, to me, what is logical, be polite and respectful of your host and their employees. Paying to stay somewhere does not release you from your manners.

Ok, the lessons we've learned:

When booking a resort, read reviews, of course. Then, go to Google Earth and look at the aerial view. This will show you several things; what does the beach/ocean look like? Is the resort built parallel to the ocean or is it a 20 minute walk to the beach? We booked one that was on a narrow piece of land, so it was built so that the lobby was a 20 minute walk from the beach. Everything was a long walk. Also look to see if there is a "sister" resort. A resort will advertise that they have xxx number of rooms, but when you get there, you find a second hotel on the property, doubling the number of people, often sharing your restaurants and pools. We've even found sister hotels, where one is adult only and the other is family oriented. What good does it do to book adult only, if that only means your room?

Take an ink pen in your carry on. There are immigration papers to fill out. It is really hard to borrow an ink pen from people in a hurry to start their vacation.

Once you clear customs and immigration at Cancun's airport, put on your, I have a destination face, and walk with purpose right past all the people that want to stop you. Do not stop until you are outside. They will tell you anything to get you to stop. Then they will waste your time trying to sell you something.

Once you make it outside, you should be looking for the private transportation you prearranged. Our first year, we just booked transportation. To our hotel in Playa del Carmen, an hour from the airport. We were the last stop, of I don't know how many. Never again.

At the resort, order your drinks the way you want them, by name. We order anejo margaritas, in order to get the aged tequila. Smoother drink. If you prefer Absolute vodka over Smirnoff, order your drink that way--if the resort has it.

Speaking of never again. Never, ever, enter the US through Miami. As annoying as all the winding lines can be, it beats the mass chaos that is Miami.

Some years we have been lucky, some years, heading home has been a nightmare of endless lines. Checking in with the airline and printing your boarding passes at the hotel, the day before departure, can save you one entire line and a tremendous amount of irritation. There may be a nominal fee, so far ours have been free, but it would be worth it, if you hit high tide at the airport.

There are more, I'll add them as I recall.

February 21, 2016

Who pays for the date?

This is a question a friend asked on Facebook a few weeks ago. It's been many years, ok, decades, since I dated. I read through the conversation wondering how much dating etiquette had changed. The general consensus was either the man, or the person that initiated the date. This pretty much agreed with the dating norms of my memory.

This morning, as my mind has a tendency to do, came back to this subject with a new thought. When I go out with friends, there is no expectation that anyone is going to pick up the tab. It happens, but it is not expected. So why the difference when it's a "date." What is the difference between a date and friends getting together? A date is an opportunity to get to know each other, to see if there is mutual interest/attraction, it also has potentials that friends don't, usually. But to me that seems all the more reason, especially in the beginning, that the date should be dutch. Why should men be expected to pay for every opportunity to meet a woman? Especially, in this day and age of equality. If one person makes considerable more money than the other, then a place affordable to them both should be agreed upon. And the whole "potential" thing, if a man is buying because he is expecting sex, this raises all kinds of issues. Buying a meal, even a couple of meals, in expectation of sex, is treating a woman in a degrading manner.

I don't expect to be dating, but I think I have concluded that I would be paying my own way--at least as long as it was casual.

January 30, 2016


I have a friend, or three, that--I guess the common term is, cross dress. Though I am fairly certain that term is reserved for men that wear female clothing. Nary an eyebrow is raised when a woman dresses in men's clothing. I have, and still do, shop in the men's department. I have worn men's shirts, pants, shoes, socks--and risking TMI, underwear. One year on vacation, I discovered I had under packed, so I borrowed a pair of the husband's for the trip home. I loved his boxer briefs. No underwear creeping into places where underwear do not belong. I have looked for something similar--without the fly. The women's boxer briefs are NOT the same thing. I was surprised that my online searches led me to sites for Queer underwear. Again, the gender attitudes. If I am female and don't want lacy, up the butt crack underwear, I must be...oy. And the ones available, $30 a pair! I do not like them that much. Commando is easier and cheaper. There are times when I am shopping for something the women's department doesn't deem to be currently fashionable, but is apparently a staple in menswear. The only time I have had anyone mention anything to me, was a man at the shoe store, that asked, you know these are men's shoes, right? I asked him if men's feet were so different that the shoes were going to cause me a problem. He smartly wandered away. But that is the point! With very little (no insult intended) difference, our bodies are very similar. 2 arms, 2 legs, a torso. So why is clothing so strongly gender identified? Or, on a bigger scale, why is anything gender identified? Personally, I don't want pink tools--ok, maybe purple. It's my favorite color. But I would not pay more, just so my tools would look feminine. I actually prefer that they not. And god forbid! a pink or purple gun. I warned the guy at the gun shop not to put one on the counter. He said they were very popular--among the ladies. My granddaughter plays with the same toys as her brother. She has dolls, but that is not what she sees. She sees him with super heroes and villains. But, I keep waiting for a Disney princess to beat up a bad guy. We have bought Lego's in traditional and girly colors. The grandson pays no attention to the blocks being pink and purple. He's also been known to use a Lego flower as the top for his helicopter. I have found that gender is the hardest identity for us to break. In role playing games, people are fine with you being an ogre, but you better be the properly gender assigned ogre. I tried playing a male character once. Lion makeup and hair fluffed to the max, assuming the full mane would be an obvious indicator of the character's gender and yet everyone nicknamed the character, Mama Saar. Apparently, everyone just assumed I had held onto my big hair from previous decades.

January 17, 2016

Another flashback--18 years

A post on Facebook had me doing math--in my head no less, and I had an oh my god moment. I passed my nursing boards in February of 1998. That means it has been 18 years. So hard to believe. So much has passed by in that time.

January 06, 2016

On turning 54...

Wait a minute. I had to do the math, again. I swear I just turned 52, like, a year ago. How have I missed a year?


There is only one way to not age. So, I embrace each and every birthday. I am not ashamed of my age. I just forget, sometimes, how old I am. Today, I finished my 54th year and I begin my 55th. I hope to finish my 55th, well, I realize that list is endless. Happy, healthy, employed, sane (sort of). I am sad to say, that I am slowing down. I don't dance on the tables so much any more. Do you know what the down time is on a broken hip??? I can still outdo some of the juniors...I just have to be picky about the challenge. I look in the mirror, and know it's not as bad as it could be, but gravity works. It's hard, but still beats the alternative. Other than my hair, which hasn't seen a natural color in years, I won't be doing anything, beyond the lotions and potions. Aging is big business, big money. I'll occasionally pick up a bottle of moisturizer, that promises more than it delivers. Of course, that may be because I'm cheap, and not the best at applying it on a regular basis. There will be no Botox, no plastic surgery. I will try to age gracefully, which is more than most other things I do.

P.S. Yes, I would love to be younger. Not stupid young. Maybe 30. But I would not want to go back to where I was at that age. I like my life better now. I like me better now.