January 06, 2016

On turning 54...

Wait a minute. I had to do the math, again. I swear I just turned 52, like, a year ago. How have I missed a year?


There is only one way to not age. So, I embrace each and every birthday. I am not ashamed of my age. I just forget, sometimes, how old I am. Today, I finished my 54th year and I begin my 55th. I hope to finish my 55th, well, I realize that list is endless. Happy, healthy, employed, sane (sort of). I am sad to say, that I am slowing down. I don't dance on the tables so much any more. Do you know what the down time is on a broken hip??? I can still outdo some of the juniors...I just have to be picky about the challenge. I look in the mirror, and know it's not as bad as it could be, but gravity works. It's hard, but still beats the alternative. Other than my hair, which hasn't seen a natural color in years, I won't be doing anything, beyond the lotions and potions. Aging is big business, big money. I'll occasionally pick up a bottle of moisturizer, that promises more than it delivers. Of course, that may be because I'm cheap, and not the best at applying it on a regular basis. There will be no Botox, no plastic surgery. I will try to age gracefully, which is more than most other things I do.

P.S. Yes, I would love to be younger. Not stupid young. Maybe 30. But I would not want to go back to where I was at that age. I like my life better now. I like me better now.

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