May 01, 2016

Guns and bladders

Recently, I have seen this quote frequently on Facebook: 

"I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face...and a gun under my shirt and you are none the wiser, yet you are safer for having me next to you. I won't shoot you. My gun won't pull it's own trigger. It is securely holstered with the trigger covered. It can't just go off. However, rest assured that if a lunatic walks into the grocery store and pulls out a rifle, I will draw my pistol and protect myself and my family and therefore protect you and your family. I may freeze up. I may piss my pants. I may get shot before I can pull the trigger...but, I won't die in a helpless blubbering heap on the floor begging for my life or my child's life. I won't be that victim. I choose not to be. As for you, I don't ask you to carry a gun. If you are not comfortable, then please don't. But I would like to keep my right to choose to not be a helpless victim. There is evil in the world and if evil has a gun, I want one too..." -Brian Cerny

As I stood in line in the grocery this morning, it crossed my mind. Then my brain did it's weird random thing, and thought...

And when the transgender person is in the stall next to you, you won't know either. They will keep their genitals hidden just like the person that legally carries concealed . Do you think they never used a public facility before someone decided to freak out and make an issue of it? 

I have frequently heard the argument, if you make guns illegal, only criminals will have guns. I think, honestly, you'll just make more criminals, because many law abiding citizens would not turn over their weapons, therefore becoming a non-law abiding citizen. So if you make it illegal for a transgender individual to use a restroom facility where they feel safe, that they have been using anyway, what will happen? Will they go where they feel threatened, or will they quietly continue what they always have? I suspect the latter. And who is going to play bathroom monitor, like we're all in elementary school? Will we have to carry out birth certificates and ask, pretty please, may I potty?

This isn't about 6'4" Joe Cowboy, with his 5 o'clock shadow, using the lady's room because he threw back a few too many brewskis for his bladder. I can pretty much assure you, he'd rather head to the head with the urinals. 

Will criminals take advantage of the law? Perhaps. If they wanted to hang out in a stall waiting for an opportunity to take advantage, they could. If they want to hang around in the hall and watch you enter and follow you in, they could...that's what makes them crim

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