October 31, 2013


A friend recently mentioned what people most wish for...love.

Love doesn't just magically appear. There is no Prince Charming with a glass slipper seeking you out. You have to work for it. You have to find it, share it, nurture it. None of which is easy. Nor does love guarantee happiness. But this got me wondering what I would wish for. I am looking at this as if my wish could be granted, and an attitude of, be careful what you wish for.

I usually say what I want most is contentment. A feeling of satisfaction of where I am in life. But there is some lack of drive there. Without a desire to do better, what do you have? I am not sure a perpetual state of contentment would be good for anyone.

I would like to be younger, growing older really is not for the weak. If it isn't your life falling apart, it is someone you care about. The older you get, the more people you loose. More health issues crop up. You slow down, no matter how hard you try to keep up. Everything becomes just a bit harder. So I ask, if I could go back...where? First thought, 21. But I was pregnant at 21, and I don't think I'd want to do that again. Nor, do I want to go back and change being pregnant at 21. Or being married at 18. They may not have been the best choices, but they were the ones I made, that lead me to where I am. There is no way of knowing what effect even the slightest change would have made, so no changing my past. Plus, with the good was pain and sorrow that I do not wish to relive. Besides, 30 was a much better age than 21, I had a much better idea of who I wanted to be. By 40, a better idea of who I was.

I would like to be thinner. I suppose a better wish would be, to have the determination to obtain my goals. Or maybe, even better, I would like to be healthier. Thinness is of little importance if you are otherwise ill, and no amount of determination can make you healthy. I include mental, as well as physical health. I can not think of a problem with this wish, to be physically and mentally healthy. It should not make you, or others, sad. Does not change the past. It should only improve your place in life.

Now, all I need is the magic.

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