October 18, 2013

I gave in...

we'll see if I live to regret it.

Today, I got a flu shot!

Not a big deal, you say? I know from past experience that I have about a 50/50 chance of suffering through the next few days with high fever, headache, body aches and, worse of all, utter fatigue. It's so bad that it usually takes me several years before I get the flu vaccine again.

So why do I get it?

Peer pressure, arm twisting, gnashing of teeth, piles of paper work...extortion.

I don't think they can use the word mandatory, but they can make it as unpleasant as possible for anyone that doesn't fall in line. I've heard threats about making the uninoculated wear masks. I've signed declination papers in the past. I keep expecting them to say that if I don't get the shot, they won't pay me for missed work if I get the flu.

It's been about 9 hours and I feel fine. My arm isn't even particularly painful. Here's hoping in the morning, I wake rested and refreshed, not feverish and achy.

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