January 29, 2013

Life imitating the movies

On our trip home, as we flew from Mexico to Dallas-Fort Worth, the intercom overhead inquired if there was a doctor on board. Nope. Then they asked if there was a nurse on board. The heads of my friends swiveled around. I reached up and turned on my flight attendant light. I was informed there was a "situation". I quickly discovered a passenger was having chest pain and shortness of air. To say I am out of practice would be an understatement, but it appeared, I was what they had. Maybe the most important thing I did was have her chew aspirin. It seems so simple to me...but nobody had done it. I assessed the situation quickly and decided there was no way to do CPR, if needed, in the aisle. I also hoped that I was not going to have to use the defibrillator on an actual person. Our flight was diverted to Houston where we were met by EMT's. They decided she needed to be seen at the hospital. She looked a bit shaky being taken off the plane. I wished her well, she thanked me. The crew thanked me. So much for it only happening in the movies. I'm grateful she wasn't pregnant. I don't know nothin' 'bout birthinbabies.

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