January 05, 2013

On turning 51

Yes, in a few hours, I will be 51. No point in being embarrassed about it, it's a fact. Even if I lied about my age, I'd still be 51.

There are lots of times I'd like to go back to. I'd like to be younger. I'd like to be thinner. I'd like to be more physically capable...less likely to break. Though if I were honest, I wasn't so good at that even when I was younger...but I did recover quicker.

I'm not doing the, if I could go back and change things. One seemingly inconsequential change and the next thing you know a butterfly dies...or something like that. I have a pretty good life. If I were going to wish anything in that line, I wish, maybe, that I'd been born later. Or that the world had advanced quicker. Unlike a lot of people I do not feel I was born too late. I only want to play at being a pirate. I like things like heat, air conditioning, running water, etc. I wish I had discovered things, or that they were available sooner.

And if I am honest with myself, there are many things in the past that I would not want to go back to. I would not want to go back to having small children. I would not want to go back to the constant financial struggle. I would not want to go back to school...at any level.

I am happier now. For the most part, I am much more content. I have more friends. I have more hobbies and activities. I am traveling a little. I am more comfortable with who I am and maybe even where I want to go. All of which make me smarter, I think.

So I will celebrate being 51, each and every birthday beats the alternative. I will be grateful for every opportunity. I will continue to live life. I will enjoy as many things as I can. I will keep up and not live in the past. I don't spend much time looking back. Hopefully, I learned the lessons I needed and won't repeat my mistakes. After all, I've claimed to be smarter.

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