February 24, 2012


I thought of something this morning, for reasons unknown. Something I had not thought of in a very, very long time. When I was a teenager, 14 or 15, I guess, my friends and I somehow got began a...I don't know, fad, I guess. We exchanged bracelets. A fad, I have seen among younger kids, much more recently...but a little differently. I don't know who or how it started. White nylon rope, 4 strand macrame, a pattern of knotting. I remember making a few things with macrame...it was all the rage, I guess, at the time. Anyway, the bracelets were made and exchanged, but with a twist. Nylon, when heated melts. So the bracelets weren't tied on, but melted on. Once the bracelet was placed on the wrist, it was permanent, until it was cut off. A significant symbolism to us at the time. A have no idea how many of us exchanged bracelets. There was a small group of us, friends and "couples". The one that came to mind this morning, for whatever reason, was the one attached to the guy I was dating. He may have even been the first bracelet...which might explain what came next. When I melted the ends of the bracelet, the nylon, probably molten hot, fell back against his skin and sort of embedded itself. He pulled the burning bracelet away from his skin...and the skin came with it. There was the smell of burning skin and nylon. It left a nasty, nasty burn mark. That is why I think that must have been the first one...we were much more careful after that.

I still can't remember what triggered that memory this morning. Funny. There isn't a soul from that group anymore that I am still in contact with. Nobody to share the memory with. Sad.

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