November 26, 2011

Nook Color...finally

As the titles states, I finally started using my Nook Color. It's what...4 months old? I had a ton of physical books when I bought it. I still have a few, but decided it was time. After all, I'd like to use it before the warranty runs out. I read 6-7 chapters of the Hunger Games last night. I really, really like it. I don't have to hold the book open. That may not seem like a big deal...unless you have tendinitis in your thumbs. The 1100+ page books of the Game of Thrones series has not helped in the least. I love that I can look up words that are unfamiliar. Usually, I just assume the meaning by the context and move longer. Most importantly, I am not a slave to the light source in the room. This is major to me! I can sit wherever I like, comfortably, and not struggle to see the page. The only potential downside that I see at this point...books don't have to be plugged in.

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