September 27, 2011

Wow...I realize I am behind

I never know what cause my lapses in writing. It isn't happiness or sadness. It's not that I'm too busy or lack material. I just...don't. Then one day, I do. So here I am.

I missed telling my tale of the fireman a few Fridays ago. I was driving home from work on an absolutely gorgeous Friday afternoon. A wreck on the highway had traffic a mess. I stop at the light beside the firetruck and police cars. Sitting there watching the guys in uniform talk...I guess they were waiting on the tow trucks. I watch as one of the firemen steps behind the open door of the firetruck and beneath the door I notice his pants slide down his legs. OMG...fireman strip tease! My imagination just went through the open moon roof of my car. Now, I know he had shorts on under those heavy, rubbery, fireman pants...but I couldn't see them and I wasn't imaging them either. Whew.

There is something about a man in uniform...or slightly out of it. Oh Baby!

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