August 30, 2011

Cleaning out the clutter

My brain is aflutter with ideas and thoughts that need to be put to rest. Let's see if they'll land here...and stay put.

Some things are better left alone. No matter how much you want it, it isn't good for you. Leave it be. It is how it is for a reason. Remind yourself what the reason is. Rinse, repeat.

There is no big secret to losing weight. Less calories in, more calories out. Eat less, exercise more. I did not say it was easy, just not a secret. But people pay billions of dollars a year for fast and easy. They don't want to hear truth.

I was thinking about something from long ago and far away, in another life. It's funny how some perfect moments stay with you...even after the people are gone.

Curiosity can be the greatest gift or the worst bane. Killed the kitty? Hardly. I hear a purr of contentment. I do not know how a person could not be curious. I want to know. High, low, around the next corner. It's the answer to the question. Wrap it up in a mystery and reel me in. Purrfect.

I never stop learning...even about me. I realized this week, I am never so
happy as when I have a ball to chase or a bone to worry. I need an occasional challenge. I am intrigued by the puzzle. I want to untangle and find a solution. The trick being that it not be impossible to solve...and occasional!!!

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