February 26, 2010

It's a dog's life

Atlanta recently passed a law inflicting stiff penalties on dog owners that don't clean up after their pets...$1000.00 fine or one year in prison. The same penalties can be incurred if the dog is without a leash. I love my dog...I love most dogs, but I have to agree that man's best friend should, when in public, be on a leash. And stepping in dog doo, especially barefooted, is a great way to ruin your day. However, the penalties seemed a little stiff to me. But I did not research the penalties served up by other states for the same penalties...as researching law can be tedious and cause eye strain. What I wondered was, if Atlanta would throw you in jail...excuse me, prison, for a year, what were the penalties for a human that defecated in public? Oh quit being grossed out! It's a legitimate question. You've never seen homeless people? You think they just walk around until they find a nice clean bathroom every time they hear the call of nature? There are laws addressing public defecation, urination and even spitting. Government doesn't write these laws for the fun of it you know. Laws are written because somebodies delicate sensibilities got twisted into an uproar and they complained long and loud. Now as I was saying, researching laws can be quite time consuming and eventually downright boring. I couldn't find a thing about public defecation laws in Atlanta. So I tried public indecency, a close relative...I thought. I found that it was punishable by "fines and imprisonment in county jail for up to 12 months". What surprised me was the definition. In Georgia, public indecency is:

  • Exposing one's genitalia or breasts in a lewd manner, in public
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Appearing in a state of partial or total nudity in a lewd manner, in public
  • Lewdly caressing/fondling another person in public
Not at all what I was thinking. But it carries similar penalties. So you can have sex in the park  or walk your dog without a leash and face a year in jail. Does that make sense?

I found laws about public defecations in other states, from Florida to Oregon, with fines around $500 and imprisonment from 60-180 days. Obviously, dog poop is a bigger issue.

I did run across one interesting story, I do love the internet (though I will caution watching what links you click on when researching public defecation), from the Associated Press.

July 16, 2009 ELGIN, Iowa (AP) - Criminal mischief charges have been filed against a Randalia man for allegedly defecating on a sidewalk in downtown Elgin and smearing feces on the door of a building.

Matthew J. Sodoma was arrested early Thursday and also charged with defecating on a public sidewalk or building.
Authorities say the building smeared by the 21-year-old Sodoma houses the Valley Community Coalition. They expressed belief Sodoma was targeting the organization, but aren't sure why.
Fayette County Sheriff Marty Fisher said Sodoma's action defies the basic morals of the community and was unacceptable.
Authorities say the charges against Sodoma are misdemeanors and are punishable by a fine between $65 and $650 and up to 30 days in jail.

Wow...30 days maximum. I wonder what the pooper scooper laws are in Iowa?

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