February 24, 2010

30 years of marriage

Today is my 30th wedding anniversary. In todays world it seems quite the accomplishment instead of the norm. I can understand that. It hasn't always been easy. Recently I was asked, "What is the secret to your success?" Deadpanned, I answered, "Marrying the right person." I was stating the obvious, of course...but it is all too true. I married a man that has refused to give up on me even when the easy thing, maybe even the smart thing, would have been to throw his hands up in exasperation and headed for the door. I am sure he has been tempted. Neither of us are perfect. We both present the other with challenges. We both drive the other one nuts. But at the end of the day, most days, it's to each other we come for comfort. Happy Anniversary Steve...30 years and still counting.

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